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Installs drupal using the provided database credentials with the provided localization, creates admin account with the given name and password
0 703 posted 12 years ago by klickreflex
How to automatically login with SSH. Also known as “key-based authorization with SSH” or simply “publickey authorization”.
0 851 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
This will prevent CURL to verity the HTTPS certification.
0 700 posted 12 years ago by akem
Find and replace contents of files ending in .php with nothing. then append contents of template.php to all files in directory
0 821 posted 12 years ago by zlincoln
Add the first line in terminal and press return. Add second line in terminal press return to refresh the dock
0 660 posted 12 years ago by klagraff
This method utilizes tasksel
0 766 posted 12 years ago by bitfed
Use this snippet in Linux shell to install RVM and set it up for use with Sprockets.
0 830 posted 12 years ago by symsec
0 698 posted 12 years ago by inky76
Creating a static copy of a dynamic website
0 1435 posted 12 years ago by alexaivars
Set the last parameter to the number of cores. End with 'killall perl'
0 696 posted 12 years ago by beaknit
Tests whether the script has been invoked with the correct number of parameters.
0 692 posted 12 years ago by triffel
iconv -l to show all available encodes, replace xxx with you file ext
0 821 posted 12 years ago by rabc
I am using git and working on master branch. This branch has a file called app.js . I have an experiment branch in which I made a bunch of changes and tons of commit. Now I want to bring all the changes done only to app.js from experiment to maste...
0 1128 posted 12 years ago by satie83
I have a Git repository with few branches and dangling commits. I would like to search all such commits in repository for a specific string.
0 996 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Boot Minecraft on an Ubuntu 64-bit instance with 2GB of RAM
0 772 posted 12 years ago by stevedecoded
WGET the SALT keys from Wordpress' API
0 623 posted 12 years ago by paullombard
You’ll receive a list of your stale remote-tracking branches. If you run it without –dry-run option, it will remove them for you.
0 914 posted 12 years ago by satie83
If you only want to show directories, replace "-type f" with "-type d".
0 914 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
How to package a phonegap project for debug and run it on the connected device
0 1002 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
How to redirect stderr to stdout in bash
0 751 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
A fast way to delete many files without getting an 'Argument list too long' error as wold be the case with 'rm'.
0 783 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
It's necessary that the commit hasn't pushed by anyone
0 838 posted 12 years ago by satie83
This script will parse the auth.log and return results depending on the argument entered. To run the script enter one of the following. ./auth success or ./auth fail
1 1204 posted 12 years ago by _reydin_
This script will do a daily backup of directories. If the files has not changed then it creates a hard-link to the file. If the file has changed then it will copy the new file. The backup is not much larger than the directories being backed up.
1 1002 posted 12 years ago by _reydin_
i've got this running on an hourly cron. works beautifully.
0 713 posted 12 years ago by adkatrit
This shows the local and remote branches along with the most recent commit for each branch.
0 1077 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Hash of the commit which you want to show a303aa90779efdd2f6b9d90693e2cbbbe4613c1d
0 1413 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Fetches resources from a remote host with specified crawl depth.
0 545 posted 12 years ago by paullombard
It can be useful to take a peek at what Apache is doing but I always forget the location of the Apache logs so I can use tail.
0 812 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
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