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cd to directory, then run the line below to change any spaces in a filename to hyphens
0 1710 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
make a cron like: `*/5 * * * * root bash /root/vpn-check.sh`
0 554 posted 10 years ago by dbiesecke
Zip all files in a directory files into separate archives
0 1079 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
Set up a .git repository using terminal
0 938 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
transparently download from google-drive with command line
1 874 posted 10 years ago by cinco
DS_Store files are automatically created by Mac OSX Finder in browsed directories. These files contain information about system configuration. If you upload them along with other files, the files can be misused to obtain information about your comput...
0 696 posted 10 years ago by Haerviu
With this script a new user gets created and gets his own VirtualHost and database. The username is used for building the domain, so the username "test" leads to the domain test.local. The password for the MySQL account used for creating the datab...
1 898 posted 11 years ago by derbenni
Find and replace contents of files ending in .php with nothing. then append contents of template.php to all files in directory
0 709 posted 11 years ago by zlincoln
Tests whether the script has been invoked with the correct number of parameters.
0 571 posted 11 years ago by triffel
This example will go get the latest version of wordpress and save it as "wordpress-latest.tar.gz" in the current directory. Note, don't include the protocal (http://) in the url.
0 704 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
List out all your Zombie processes
0 570 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
List files in varying detail
0 583 posted 12 years ago by klovera
Add this to your .profile or .bash_rc file, source the file, navigate to the directory and call "rm_whitespace" Based on: http://snipplr.com/view/4468/batch-rename-files-in-directory/
1 1347 posted 12 years ago by licensetoil
See also http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Bindable-Readline-Commands for the standard bindings and more detailed explanation of what they do.
0 826 posted 12 years ago by cczona
If you need to zip a directory named folderName and ignore all .DS_Store files, then do the following:
0 721 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
0 628 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
insert this to home directory .bashrc file
0 551 posted 12 years ago by farstar78
OFP is the database environment
0 898 posted 12 years ago by theonlyalterego
First, find the proper package from http://www.joomla.org/download/ and copy its path. Then, over ssh, navigate to the root of the joomla install and perform these commands. In the case of an upgrade, this will overwrite in place the needed files, an...
0 738 posted 13 years ago by beneberle
0 681 posted 13 years ago by silviud
A couple of snippets useful for file management. I use these to make sure I understand how many files I'm about to modify, and then rename them.
0 664 posted 13 years ago by alassiter
A very simple quick way to count the number of files in a directory.
0 727 posted 13 years ago by alassiter
Use by sending a unix timestamp to countTime(timestamp). It will return something like 40 seconds , 2 weeks, 1 hour. Then just format to your needs like we do in our app: Someone was here 10 minutes ago.
0 685 posted 13 years ago by GeorgeL
as you run chown -R user:group dir
0 1063 posted 13 years ago by silviud
this will display the size of a directory as if you run du -sb dir
0 2462 posted 13 years ago by silviud
Come modificare i permessi di tutti i files (senza toccare le cartelle) o viceversa
0 559 posted 13 years ago by tuffo19
Searches down the current directory every file whose name matches (case insensitively) {{file_pattern}} for the regexp {{text}}.
0 625 posted 13 years ago by jarnaldich
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