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These are the basic commands to use Mutex Threads in C
0 1223 posted 8 years ago by msicode
Código final de la asignatura Microprocesadores y Microcontroladores de Tecnun - Universidad de Navarra (España). Curso 2013-2014. 3º Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicación.
0 1431 posted 10 years ago by eiger_824
Source creating a new database (and inserting some records)
0 1199 posted 11 years ago by ktrout
This script finds out ALSA devices in Linux programatically, which can be a bit tricky.
0 976 posted 11 years ago by Makistos
This code will print out all sysfs devices under a certain device class (which is supplied as a parameter).
0 1553 posted 11 years ago by Makistos
is not Code, is configuration steps for use COMPAQ DC 7900 for virtualization machines in 64 Bits
0 1374 posted 12 years ago by xavieraviles
0 1339 posted 12 years ago by mlecho
This piece of code will read a hex argument such as: ff or ab from your command line and stores it as a integer
0 2669 posted 13 years ago by vdevos
0 1115 posted 13 years ago by inky76
Body Mass Index Solver
0 1152 posted 13 years ago by oslinux23
Two versions of binary search -- one recursive, one iterative -- for an array of strings. Both assume that your array index fits within an integer.
0 1123 posted 13 years ago by rtperson
Its Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm written in C. Reads from a file the nodes and the connected edges and implements Dijkstra's algorithm. I am uploading for your comments in my code. Thank you. <p>Files content should be in the format: n N...
0 1376 posted 13 years ago by stakisko
0 990 posted 13 years ago by FArcellier
This snippet will send an HTTP POST from an Arduino using the WiFly library. The library is in early alpha, and is a port from the ethernet shield library. The code here should work with either. The critical part is the size of the data to send, a...
0 1269 posted 13 years ago by parkerkrhoyt
0 993 posted 13 years ago by the_coder
The General Hash Functions Library has the following mix of additive and rotative general purpose string hashing algorithms. * RS Hash Function A simple hash function from Robert Sedgwicks Algorithms in C book. I've added some simple optimization...
0 1991 posted 13 years ago by davince
Check that a given integer consists only of elements of a given set. It does a linear search through the set, so the assumption is that the set to search is relatively small. If you're chewing through a particularly large set of digits, you may want...
0 1093 posted 13 years ago by rtperson
Simple File Splitter. No JOINER YET!
0 1057 posted 13 years ago by Myrddin
Redirects to reduce duplicate content
0 1021 posted 13 years ago by CKOink
Blocks bad bots, and image theft, allows visitors inside domains.
0 1045 posted 13 years ago by CKOink
0 1057 posted 13 years ago by imprfikt
A implementation for itoa with c. itoa is function that convert a integer to a string.
0 1299 posted 13 years ago by vikiyou
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