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join characters inside file by extracting keyword which separate by newline and special characters by including desired numbers characters on right and left
0 1023 posted 6 years ago by brm
This example shows you how to restrict to a specific file or multiple files. Add the following code block and edit the file name/s according to yuor needs.
0 1158 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
This example shows you how to force www. or no-www. using .htaccess file.
0 1167 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
0 1108 posted 7 years ago by chrisaiv
Clear buffer cache on GNU/Linux systems
0 1083 posted 7 years ago by rm1984
This is a simple script which downloads the latest "LoRa Server" files from the repository of the user brocaar in GitHub. Just make the file executable with a "chmod +x script_installer.sh" and run it, the program will give you the latest releases o...
0 872 posted 8 years ago by SoroushBlaster
docker-engine: Installed: 1.12.3-0~xenial Candidate: 1.12.3-0~xenial Version table: *** 1.12.3-0~xenial 500 500 https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-xenial/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 1.12.2-0~...
0 899 posted 8 years ago by droidronin
This is a small script to gather some statistics from your Firefox history. First we use sqlite3 to parse the Firefox history database and get the last three months, then we remove all the IP addresses and port numbers and finally we sort and count t...
0 1096 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Create a compressed TAR archive preserving permissions
0 949 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
How to repair a corrupted FAT32 filesystem
0 836 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
TAR command to preserve files' permissions
0 1019 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Recursively find and list the last modified files in a directory
0 1330 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Show a colored and meaningful view of a GIT repository in the shell
0 1261 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Replace a string with another one in many files
0 1295 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Generate a random file with random contents but with a fixed size
0 1059 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Read and process the output of a command one row at a time
0 1068 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
automatisches starten von Fotos beim Anschliessen von Geräten deaktivieren (YES), aktivieren (NO)
0 842 posted 8 years ago by daniels
disable automatic starts of photos when connecting devices (YES), aktivate (NO), automatisches starten von Fotos beim Anschliessen von Geräten deaktivieren (YES), aktivieren (NO)
0 849 posted 8 years ago by daniels
Set the default print settings of preview app on 100%. Schaltet beim Programm Vorschau die Druckeinstellung standardmässig auf 100%, diese bzw. wieder aus.
0 831 posted 8 years ago by daniels
Bash script to list all devices (ip and hostname) connected to your local network. Some formatting is done, and a summary is printed at the end. Requires nmap.
0 962 posted 9 years ago by iMezouar
Get password from keychain (OSX)
0 876 posted 9 years ago by alfirth
drush pm-list --status=enabled --pipe | grep 'uc_' | xargs -i drush pm-disable '{}' -y
0 944 posted 9 years ago by apro2000
Copy files recursively in Windows
0 970 posted 9 years ago by wesleydepoorter
Simple backup script using Rsync
0 938 posted 9 years ago by brm
Script using tar to backup new file created 1 day before
1 1103 posted 9 years ago by brm
Just a basic bash snippet, of interest is the substring replacement, imo.
0 901 posted 9 years ago by jlmarks
After copying pictures and videos from my tablet to my PC I noticed that the original timestamp was overriden by the current date. Fortunatelly the timestamp was still preserved in the files name. Ex: IMG\_20150214\_202445.jpg or VID\_20140116\...
0 1152 posted 9 years ago by mabafu
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