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If you want to see this sight unfold right before your very eyes, then our Evening Desert Safari Tour is perfect for you. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to reach us. To make it convenient and accessible for our guests, we have p...
0 1062 posted 7 years ago by desertsafaritoure
If a flat file contains embedded carriage return (CR) and linefeed characters (LF) inside double quotes, SAS will interpret them as end of line markers. This may cause your file to be read incorrectly. This example replaces CR/LF characters within...
0 2268 posted 11 years ago by webonomic
More details here: https://communities.sas.com/ideas/1084
0 1304 posted 11 years ago by webonomic
If you know a libref or fileref, the PATHNAME function can be used to return the physical location. If the libref refers to more than one physical location, all of those locations will be returned, in quotes, separated by spaces, with the whole li...
0 1181 posted 11 years ago by webonomic
This sample contains 2 macro techniques for iterating through character values on a macro %DO loop.
0 1421 posted 11 years ago by webonomic
Adding alternating row of color to make proc report output easier to read.
0 1352 posted 12 years ago by webonomic
If you want to see some of the color names that SAS recognizes, run the following statements, which will print a list of colors to the SAS log:
0 1048 posted 12 years ago by webonomic
sas wedit find next and prev
0 943 posted 12 years ago by Pavonz
The program uses the XML LIBNAME engine, FILENAME URL, SGPLOT procedure, and a simple PROC PRINT to create a report of recent Twitter activity around a specified hashtag.
0 1160 posted 12 years ago by webonomic
SAS code to output in JSON format
1 1013 posted 13 years ago by ccw
This SAS macro will convert a dataset to a text file
0 1311 posted 13 years ago by webonomic
It's easy to export several data sets to one Excel spreadsheet with each data set in a separate worksheet.This example exports three SAS data sets (work.region, work.county and work.district) to the same spreadsheet (results.xls).
0 1310 posted 14 years ago by webonomic
use bulk load to save a large SAS dataset into oracle/DB2/SQL Server/ Teradata for joining with other tables etc.. Alternate link : http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi29/106-29.pdf
0 1151 posted 14 years ago by mprabhuram
The PATHNAME function can be used to retrieve the physical location of a file or directory. This can be especially useful when reassigning engines for a libref using the Macro Language. Here we want to write a Version 6 copy of the data set CLASS...
0 1311 posted 15 years ago by webonomic
0 1133 posted 15 years ago by statsplank
0 1153 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
Use the colon : modifier to build an array. The colon is like a wildcard. In this case, anything that starts with ash. SAS Arrays hold variable names which can be used during tedious procedures such as conditional loops.
0 1138 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
Original Source from http://support.sas.com/kb/24/590.html
0 1402 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
Annoyingly hard to find, I'm sure others out there have felt the pain of converting sas dates to oracle date formats. example: data _null_; x_dt = datetime(); x_d = date(); put x_dt oracle_datetime.;...
0 1595 posted 16 years ago by vasdee
You can use regular expressions within SQL. This can be quite powerful in selecting data that matches certain conditions. The following example shows a simple regular expression which selects only quarterly periods from a table containing years, quar...
0 1295 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
0 1975 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
0 1017 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
Using Proc SQL summarize the table sashelp.shoes grouping on
0 1080 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
Below is some code written for creating one response from survey questions where the respondent checks all that apply.
0 1212 posted 16 years ago by webonomic
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