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Lets say you have a table with field called "tags" that consists from tags separated by commas and you want to check whether it includes a required tag. Here the simplest ways of doing that.
0 852 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
Find a key from a list of values​​. parameters: sbValues​​: List of Values 'A;B;C;D' sbToken: Key 'B' sbSeparator: ',' or any defined sbValues Example: select FSBFINDTOKEN('A;B;C;D','B',';') from DUAL; ------------------- Y
0 853 posted 11 years ago by ceduard0
Here the simplest way of selecting random rows from the MySQL database with using "ORDER BY RAND()" clause in the query.
0 985 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Procedimiento para retornar un Cursor y recorrerlo en Java
0 1134 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
comando para cambiar el tablespace de un objeto
0 1061 posted 11 years ago by thescorpion
This sql statement enables to detect duplicates entries over a key and creates a seq column which says which one is the sequence of the duplicates. This way you can take only the seq = 1 and still be able to identify all duplicates
0 954 posted 13 years ago by xavsio4
I found this today and it's very useful for finding the responsibility key when trying ot run OAF from JDev.
0 1229 posted 13 years ago by theonlyalterego
this code is for iterating through a cursor
0 748 posted 13 years ago by Hisoka
0 801 posted 13 years ago by tuffo19
0 785 posted 14 years ago by kitzelh
0 806 posted 14 years ago by kamilch
0 770 posted 14 years ago by kamilch
0 765 posted 14 years ago by kamilch
0 688 posted 14 years ago by kamilch
1 1115 posted 14 years ago by kamilch
0 809 posted 15 years ago by tenkyu
1 829 posted 15 years ago by jamarama
Nothing amazing here, just an efficient way to get the first row. Be sure to set your ORDER BY clause properly.
0 1100 posted 15 years ago by stews
I often need to know if a record exists in a table. This method is probably the most efficient. Too many people don't use the exceptions that Oracle provides, which is a shame. I think I got it from Tom Kyte's site? Or Steven Feuerstein?
0 911 posted 15 years ago by stews
This compares selected columns between 2 tables that you think might have differences. It lists the rows and values that are different between the two sources You can add WHERE clauses as appropriate. You could also use this to compare the resul...
0 1080 posted 15 years ago by stews
I can never remember the syntax on the "FOR UPDATE OF" clause!
0 773 posted 15 years ago by stews
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