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AIX does not have Package Manager like YUM for Open Source Software. So I made a script to automatically install RPM packages on AIX box by downloading it from www.oss4aix.org site via ftp . It is very first version, it does not have all the necess...
0 1074 posted 9 years ago by teterkin
How to setup a share in a virtualbox guest - ubuntu server.
1 848 posted 9 years ago by krillzip
There is a user-callback example in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bit-team/backintime/user-callback/view/head:/user-callback.apt-backup which will backup all package selections, sources and repository keys which are necessary to reinstall exactly the...
0 1038 posted 9 years ago by garretjames
Install composer PHP dependency manager
0 641 posted 9 years ago by oxnard
Remove all stopped containers. Remove all untagged images
0 758 posted 9 years ago by oxnard
Snippet found on forums to clean up /boot when too many kernels are installed. Though I think the script may need tweaking. Use at own risk!
0 721 posted 9 years ago by garretjames
Drupal Debugging like Dev Tools
0 820 posted 9 years ago by apro2000
* Install oracle-java with one line, prompt for sudo if not root - more infos on (duinsoft)[http://www.duinsoft.nl]
0 1045 posted 10 years ago by dbiesecke
this can obviously be easily adapted to any other device names. Some commands in here are redundant but all together are more likely to work.
1 5441 posted 10 years ago by blackthorne
-r recursively copies files and folders
0 856 posted 10 years ago by oxnard
1. Click on the **Build Phases** tab. 2. Click on **Add Build Phase** (at the lower right corner) and choose **Add Run Script**. 4. Drag the **Run Script** section to **2nd** position from the top, just below Target Dependencies. 5. **Add snippe...
0 772 posted 10 years ago by AndreyZarembo
Aliases command "go!" to starting AND restarting rails server for a project from anywhere in the filesystem. Replace PROJECT_HOME with the path to your project. Place in config.fish
0 775 posted 10 years ago by Epigene
This example shows you how to log errors to a file, and prevent showing them to the user. Make sure that the file exists and you're able to write to it.
0 1009 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
Install LAMP Stack (Linux,Apache, Mysql, PHP) Install PHP5 (Some applications require other PHP5 mods) Install phpMyAdmin
0 841 posted 10 years ago by oxnard
make a cron like: `*/5 * * * * root bash /root/vpn-check.sh`
0 649 posted 10 years ago by dbiesecke
This script allows you to monitor a list of applications each running on servers in different environments. For example, these can be webservers: apache/nginx/etc., application servers: tomcat/nodejs/IIS/etc., database servers: mysql/oracle/etc., or...
0 1019 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
0 695 posted 10 years ago by jlmarks
This snippet determines the path and script name that will need to be called, and then calls that script and passes it parameters.
0 780 posted 10 years ago by jlmarks
This snippet stores all files in the current directory to an array.
0 957 posted 10 years ago by jlmarks
<p>unzip -l ./zips/2014/* -d ./unzipped/2014/</p>
0 1003 posted 10 years ago by khaksari
Convert a listing to quote protected CSV
0 779 posted 11 years ago by johngh
simple ftp download example
0 931 posted 11 years ago by ktrout
Used parts of this in resetting my torrent upload information after losing if (was experimenting with switching to a new torrent-client). Only works on transmission-gtk torrent files [i think]
0 720 posted 11 years ago by ktrout
This script goes through .change files in the current directory and copies all the files listed to a different directory. It skips the _sources.change files as well. This is really written in plain bourne shell, but Smipple doesn't seem to suppor...
0 703 posted 11 years ago by Makistos
For git-flow style workflow where you prefix branch names with initials "sc/branchname"
0 857 posted 11 years ago by eighteyes
transparently download from google-drive with command line
1 990 posted 11 years ago by cinco
This is a good way to show the difference between files side by side to quickly see what parts are not the same, if any.
0 958 posted 11 years ago by donkeykong
Problem You want to recursively change all of the file permissions only on folders & subfolders in a directory, but not the files (or vice-versa: you want to change the permissions on files only, not folders).
0 909 posted 11 years ago by nkm
DS_Store files are automatically created by Mac OSX Finder in browsed directories. These files contain information about system configuration. If you upload them along with other files, the files can be misused to obtain information about your comput...
0 787 posted 11 years ago by Haerviu