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This the base code for creating adapter class which is used for filling recyclerview in android. This snippet is written in kotlin but it is same to the java version
0 21221 posted 4 years ago by m3000
this is the code to make the circular bitmap which is used in the image views of android. at the end of the code the circle mode of bitmap is created by the enum mode.
0 1443 posted 7 years ago by m3000
findviewbyid in Fragment
0 1151 posted 9 years ago by afrinux
After copying pictures and videos from my tablet to my PC I noticed that the original timestamp was overriden by the current date. Fortunatelly the timestamp was still preserved in the files name. Ex: IMG\_20150214\_202445.jpg or VID\_20140116\...
0 1119 posted 9 years ago by mabafu
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to build an HTML5-based mobile web app by means of Webix library (open source, GPL) and PhoneGap framework. As a result you’ll get an awesome native app for Android devices with rich UI and high performance.
0 1262 posted 9 years ago by kengajunior
Change in manifest
0 1034 posted 10 years ago by ericpham
Allows for EXIT function on mobile device via mobile device BACK key button.
0 1093 posted 10 years ago by RiveraEraGames
This technical tip shows how to load any existing email message and modify its contents before saving it back to disk using Aspose.Email for Android API. To do this successfully, specify the MessageFormat when loading the email message from disk. In...
0 1271 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
2 option for onIconSelect
0 922 posted 10 years ago by uthopiko
- I have not tested on android - This is not animated as I did not need it for my needs. To make it animated, look at the second to last line in the function `layer3.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(angle);` You should be able to animate th...
0 1053 posted 10 years ago by rondog
This simple functions scans the user agent for the word "android" and returns true if found. Useful if there's something you only want android visitors to see (or not see).
0 1162 posted 11 years ago by stianlagstad
Iterating through cursor
0 925 posted 11 years ago by noloman
How to convert a drawable to a bitmap
0 882 posted 11 years ago by noloman
Shake event listener
0 949 posted 11 years ago by noloman
Extended css media queries for modern mobile screens
0 3826 posted 12 years ago by Rosk
Simple touch detection in unity for mob devices
0 946 posted 12 years ago by jquery404
0 929 posted 12 years ago by l01241
0 1045 posted 12 years ago by l01241
0 886 posted 12 years ago by l01241
0 997 posted 12 years ago by l01241
private String mapPath = "img/full_map.png"; parkMapBitmap = getBitmapFromAsset(this.getContext(),mapPath);
0 993 posted 12 years ago by l01241
How to package a phonegap project for debug and run it on the connected device
0 975 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
The main objective of this example is to access social media providers Facebook, Twitter and others by clicking a single button "Share".On Clicking the button the api will open dialog of providers. User can access the provider from dialog and can...
0 980 posted 12 years ago by vinny82
fade out view called 'row'
0 873 posted 12 years ago by BenClayton
This example adds a horizontally-centered TextView to the bottom of the RelativeLayout called 'layout'.
0 1117 posted 12 years ago by BenClayton
HTML Snippet for apple-touch-icon for all of the different iOS devices, and Android 2.0 supported Icon.
0 1081 posted 12 years ago by luizlopes
Ottenere il privilegio di root
0 849 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Configurare il Proxy sull'emulatore
0 816 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Basically allows for a one click build through a repository driving PhoneGap Build project.
2 949 posted 12 years ago by tpryan
This functions checks if a service is running or not.
2 1031 posted 12 years ago by rockschtar
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