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More info: https://www.catswhocode.com/blog/install-https-wordpress
0 1194 posted 6 years ago by catswhocode
A few examples of creating a primary key and a foreign key
0 1046 posted 6 years ago by bbrumm
This snippet allows you to insert new record into table. In case a unique key already exists - it updates appropriate fields only, leaving other fields untouched.
0 1047 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
A few examples of the COS function.
0 957 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the VARIANCE function.
0 983 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
The below code has 2 snippets. to find the time difference from the current zone and the other is to find the timezone of the server
0 957 posted 7 years ago by sankarwaits
Following steps to be completed to configure an email account and send email from SQL Server
0 933 posted 7 years ago by sankarwaits
A few examples of the CORR function.
0 994 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
An example of the DBTIMEZONE function.
0 961 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the BFILENAME function.
0 993 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the SESSIONTIMEZONE function.
0 897 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the BIN_TO_NUM function.
0 1060 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the CUME_DIST function.
0 959 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the CHARTOROWID function.
0 981 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the ASIN, function.
0 899 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the GROUP_ID function.
0 953 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the EMPTY_CLOB function.
0 980 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the EMPTY_BLOB function.
0 883 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the NEW_TIME function.
0 902 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the TO_SINGLE_BYTE function.
0 877 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the NCHR function.
0 987 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the NANVL function.
0 912 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the DECOMPOSE function.
0 974 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the COMPOSE function.
0 943 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the TO_LOB function.
0 939 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the LOCALTIMESTAMP function.
0 918 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the ASCIISTR function.
0 875 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the TO_NCLOB function.
0 930 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the TO_CLOB function.
0 853 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
A few examples of the STDDEV function.
0 950 posted 7 years ago by bbrumm
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