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0 764 posted 13 years ago by glup
0 779 posted 13 years ago by glup
0 798 posted 13 years ago by glup
0 797 posted 13 years ago by glup
0 909 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
0 820 posted 14 years ago by goatboy91587
0 843 posted 14 years ago by goatboy91587
Here is the MXML source code for a simple FLEX based soundboard. You can download this Adobe AIR application at http://www.ifartair.com/
0 945 posted 14 years ago by ericfickes
Cairngorm pretty much just works in Gumbo straight out of the box. Only hiccup I found was that you can't instantiate the services and controller components using mxml tags. Just define them once in the main application using ActionScript and you s...
0 776 posted 15 years ago by GarthDB
There are 3 different ways to use Item Renderers.
0 858 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
found this on the adobe cookbook site. There is also some PHP to go along with this in my snippets.
1 1006 posted 16 years ago by mswallace
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