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This commands are useful in creating a username in mysql and it can be used to access the mysql globally with this username.
0 1121 posted 6 years ago by surentharp
Name this script whatever you want, and run it via Workbench Scripting shell
0 1300 posted 7 years ago by acosonic
This code snippet shows how to connect to a MySQL database using Connector/J.
0 1255 posted 7 years ago by syedhussim
This snippet allows you to get random record from given table by weight. To run it, it must have a field named "weight". The more "weight" is assigned, the more often the record is selected. The value of "weight" should be an integer between 1 and 10...
0 1342 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
This snippet allows you to insert new record into table. In case a unique key already exists - it updates appropriate fields only, leaving other fields untouched.
0 1303 posted 7 years ago by apphp-snippets
Some configurations for mysql 5.7
0 1018 posted 7 years ago by ironcrema
Show the output of a query in a more readable vertical format
0 1275 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
pivot data. input source query in the form : +--------+-----------+-------------+-------------+ | name | pivot_fid | pivot_fname | pivot_value | +--------+-----------+-------------+-------------+ | apple | 1 | is red...
0 959 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
procedure to throw application defined error
0 948 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
calculate rank ( with ties ) over points table
0 1069 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
clone table with structure and indexes
0 1089 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
unroll variable length string list to normalised form.
0 933 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
search for tables in mysql catalog ( information_schema )
0 961 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
stored procedure for executing batch sql statements
0 926 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
creates a minimal calendar table
0 1185 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
one cross join for each ai in definition of decimal number as sum(ai*10^i)
0 944 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
example of php code I worked on
0 1099 posted 9 years ago by johnschneider
In SQL I can get this by adding AND to the join LEFT JOIN installations i ON a.id = i.app AND i.page = :page This way I get the installation info for an app that has an installation on the page, but I get null values on the columns for app's that...
0 2927 posted 10 years ago by satie83
I thought I share this code snippet because I find this way of SMS sending an easy solution. I believe that even beginners can implement this VB.NET SQL SMS application, but I think some extent of perfection in the SMS technology is required for bett...
0 1618 posted 10 years ago by LoganTurn
This is the basic code that you need to know to connect and list data with PDO. Don't use de old method (mysql_connect and mysqli_connect) to connect and interact with databases.
0 1216 posted 10 years ago by snstro
The code below can be used to lookup IP address in bulk in return of geolocation information using PHP programming languages and MySQL database. In this tutorial, we use the IP2Location LITE database to lookup country of origin from the visitor's IP...
1 1516 posted 10 years ago by Hexahow
To store you item into mysql database. 1. I say you have been have mysql database and the table what field is the same in item class that you wang to be stored 2. I just ensure you item insert into mysql, do not ensure the performance 3. To...
0 1816 posted 10 years ago by zwidnypublic
`mysql-dev.ini` can be used in a developing environment and put it in the Mysql Home dir
0 1275 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
**Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-temporary-path/ "set-mysqlRT-Env.bat") pluss other bash commond *...
0 1155 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run `mysqladmin` to shutdown msyql server with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-...
0 1223 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Run a Mysql server using command line with a specified option file. **Vars** to to specify + ${EnvSet_Bash} **Demo** vars specified like + ${EnvSet_Bash}=[set-mysqlRT-Env](http://www.snipplr.com/view/80407/an-example-bash-file-for-set-...
0 1189 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
WE-Objekte ohne Umwege direkt aus php erstellen. Das ist vor allem dann sinnvoll, denn die Eingaben vorher geprüft und verarbeitet werden sollen oder wenn ein Eingabeformular über mehrere Seiten geht.
0 1017 posted 10 years ago by ulfinger
DBHelper can retrieve Mysql tables into java objects, without any external libraries or a mapping configuration file. note: please test before use, then use at your own risk.
0 1684 posted 10 years ago by prgrmmraben
Mysql find duplicate values in field
0 1244 posted 10 years ago by flatearthcomms
caching session variables in Mysql using memory engine for fast client response. note: please test before use, then use at your own risk.
0 1515 posted 10 years ago by prgrmmraben
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