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Typoscript fields are not exported by default in Powermail. If you want them to be exported you need to add this line in the Page TSConfig of your root page or form page:
0 10479 posted 4 years ago by xtine777
Add values from a given field in your database
1 10742 posted 4 years ago by xtine777
Funktioniert auch in Partials etc... Z.B.: bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/Navigation/Main.html
0 1035 posted 4 years ago by xtine777
Debugging in Controller and Fluid Template
0 1056 posted 5 years ago by xtine777
In typo3conf/ext/extensionname/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php oder in ext_tables.php
0 977 posted 5 years ago by xtine777
Bei der Entwicklung einer eigenen Extension muss folgendes bedacht werden: ab TYPO3 Version 7 überschreibt die Deklaration von plugin.tx_extensionname.persistence.storagePid den Wert im Feld "Datensatzsammlung". Dazu muss nicht einmal ein Wert für st...
0 1278 posted 5 years ago by xtine777
Typoscript for multilevel vertical menu, expanding when clicked
0 903 posted 5 years ago by xtine777
Show meaningful error messages in frontend
0 918 posted 5 years ago by xtine777
rightColumn = COA rightColumn.2 < styles.content.get rightColumn.2.select.where = colPos=2 rightColumn.2.slide = -1
0 1277 posted 5 years ago by xtine777
progress of converting a latin db into utf8
1 828 posted 13 years ago by Rito
Mit diesem Snippet kann man den More-Link-Text von "[more]" zu "Weiterlesen" ändern in der deutschen Sprache ändern.
0 829 posted 13 years ago by kopfaction
Dieses Typoscript wrappt den More-Link und umschließt ihn mit dem <p>-Tag, sowie fügt ihm die Klasse ".news-latest-morelink" bei. Entwickelt von <a href="http://www.maddesigns.de">Sven Wolfermann</a>.
0 812 posted 13 years ago by kopfaction
0 774 posted 13 years ago by kairy2k9
Beim einfachsten Listenmenü muss man trotzdem ein paar Dinge beachten: Sonderzeichen wie & sollen z.B. in &amp; verwandelt werden. Dies passiert mit stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1. Falls man dies nicht beachtet, werden Links, welche dieses Zeichen ent...
0 754 posted 13 years ago by abteilung
0 790 posted 13 years ago by arnekolja
0 765 posted 13 years ago by abteilung
This TS creates a title vertically.
0 652 posted 13 years ago by typo3
0 813 posted 14 years ago by arnekolja
Static images (without generation) UL/LI list navigation fully manageable via backend
0 848 posted 14 years ago by z0r1k
Assign special CSS classes for menu item in different states. By default just <li>|</li>-wrap without class. Active state - li-wrap and class="active" If active and one of subitems is selected then for parent item li-wrap and class="current"...
0 1003 posted 14 years ago by z0r1k
insert in user TSconfig
0 592 posted 14 years ago by quadratliter
insert in User TSconfig
0 668 posted 14 years ago by quadratliter
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