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How to create, copy, move, delete a file? Pour créer, copier, déplacer ou supprimer un fichier, on utilise la classe System.IO.File
0 1198 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Le code suivant vous permet de copier un fichier (par exemple un document Word ou un PDF) dans une archive existante. Cela implique que le fichier original sera ajouté à l'archive mais restera également dans sa forme originale (non-compressée) à l'en...
0 1192 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
De las tareas que di­a a di­a necesitamos realizar en una base de datos
0 977 posted 8 years ago by systemergon
This technical tip explains how .NET developers can Copy Message from one Mailbox folder to another. Aspose.Email API provides the capability to copy message from one mailbox folder to another. It allows copying a single as well as multiple messages...
0 1462 posted 8 years ago by sherazam
Copy files recursively in Windows
0 1069 posted 9 years ago by wesleydepoorter
Copy file as current date as name file to destination directory
0 1434 posted 9 years ago by brm
This script allow you copy to the clipboard current layer properties in format: &selectionBounds.x = &layerx; &selectionBounds.y = &layery; // &selectionBounds.width = &layerwidth; // &selectionBounds.height = &layerheight;
0 1540 posted 10 years ago by TheRabbitFlash
This script allow you copy to the clipboard current layer properties in format: &layer_name.x = &layer_x; &layer_name.y = &layer_y; // &layer_name.width = &layer_width; // &layer_name.height = &layer_height;
0 1181 posted 10 years ago by TheRabbitFlash
Copy from one object to another of the same type
0 1753 posted 10 years ago by rralhan
Copy all files and directories from src to dest.
0 1315 posted 10 years ago by fedek6
Java Fast File Copy using NIO
0 1020 posted 11 years ago by roizaig
Creating a static copy of a dynamic website
0 1530 posted 12 years ago by alexaivars
Create a new table from the details of another table then insert the table contents
0 795 posted 12 years ago by imbraz
Here's a snippet for copying (all) the eventhandlers of one element to another with jQuery and effectively cloning the behavior of one element. Keep in mind that if it's possible, you should just register the same handlers you actually need, inste...
0 1497 posted 12 years ago by chlab
tar is usually used for achiving applications, but what we are going to do in this case is tar it then pipe it over an ssh connection. tar handles large file trees quite well and preserves all file permissions, etc, including those UNIX systems which...
0 944 posted 13 years ago by wnasich
In Excel, the Transpose function returns a transposed range of cells. For example, a horizontal range of cells is returned if a vertical range is entered as a parameter. Or a vertical range of cells is returned if a horizontal range of cells is enter...
0 1081 posted 13 years ago by palimadra
Kudos to http://snipplr.com/view/26670/
0 880 posted 13 years ago by klovera
0 861 posted 13 years ago by hkarakose
0 901 posted 13 years ago by paki
currently formatted for use on mediatemple server. replace file path with absolute path of resources.
0 885 posted 14 years ago by dan_hoerr
Excel macro to copy values from formated cells. For example: If you have a sheet that has huge numbers in millions for example 1,312,323 and you apply a format to the cell such that only 1.3 is displayed, if you want to copy 1.3 and put it in a da...
1 1045 posted 14 years ago by abhisood
This function returns a new instance of the class it receives.
2 989 posted 14 years ago by JaaQ
0 832 posted 14 years ago by bitstream
This was more of a go at learning the basics of OOP, however I decided to document it well in case anyone had any comments. Note: It only works with single files, no directory usage.
0 780 posted 14 years ago by asdasDan
0 993 posted 14 years ago by craig0990
Just up arrow to this while you are modifying widget1.svg to easily create timestamped copies.
1 809 posted 14 years ago by aleidax
The script below connects to a MySQL database server on "localhost" using the login name "test" and password "123456" and then connects to the database "test". It then copies the table structure and data from the table "products" to a new table "prod...
4 1349 posted 14 years ago by fackz
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