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0 1372 posted 8 years ago by rm1984
Regular Expression to find native Javascript console and AngularJS $log log warn or info that are NOT comments / commented out
1 1282 posted 9 years ago by brandonjp
// create a variable to toggle debugging // to use it, just call debug(with,any,optional,parameters) debug(x,y,z); // it will try to guess what type of message to log, or you can specify in the first parameter debug("error",x,y,z);
1 1268 posted 9 years ago by brandonjp
This example shows you how to log errors to a file, and prevent showing them to the user. Make sure that the file exists and you're able to write to it.
0 1110 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
These logging functions will be improved and added into the SocketServer_Server.py to log information from programs on machines on the same network, but not directly connected to each other.
0 1178 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
In this post you will learn how to log errors in database in cakephp.
0 991 posted 11 years ago by kp32
Groovy script for hudson's scripler/script console (for latter case import line could be removed) aborting running builds with loo large logs.
0 1098 posted 11 years ago by alces
IE doesn't like console.log. This fixes that.
1 1010 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
generischer Handler für die Eventausgabe in der Konsole....
0 1024 posted 12 years ago by dejot
Simple logger function
1 1000 posted 12 years ago by MikeDevDes
Output your errors to the Windows event log. Very effective to output from try catch blocks.
2 940 posted 12 years ago by Verician
This is a simple batch script to clear the event logs from a windows 7 or server 2008 machine. The script does *not* save these logs. This was tested on a local machine but could be adapted for remote use.
1 1337 posted 12 years ago by Rectifier
It can be useful to take a peek at what Apache is doing but I always forget the location of the Apache logs so I can use tail.
0 897 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
For impl of 'simpleLog', in eclipse, the default instructions did not work for me , providing LEVEL_ALL logs until i added one additional prop not mentioned in the link
0 844 posted 13 years ago by rowntreerob
Helps to manage console.log debug in js when broswing in IE. If alertFallback is enabled, you can see js alerts appears of vars tracked.
0 957 posted 13 years ago by Simounet
0 750 posted 13 years ago by MysteryMeat
0 761 posted 13 years ago by BrentS
Tiny script to write a daily logfile with the serverload. Can be run every X minutes using a cron for example. Result in logfile: 13.40 | 2.45 2.45 2.43 13.45 | 1.62 2.02 2.25
0 838 posted 13 years ago by remko
run this in git bash to see a pretty blame
0 863 posted 13 years ago by root_hacker
Basically creates a log function on the window object and uses console.log or alert depending on which is supported. Very basic and simple but definitely useful.
0 836 posted 13 years ago by alvincrespo
Activation: con Scope: source.js, source.js.jquery
0 836 posted 13 years ago by divtagged
This class can log messages to a file. If the log file becomes too large (over 1MB), the class will archive it and will create new. If there are archives older than one month, they will be deleted automatically. In the future versions I will add th...
0 1077 posted 14 years ago by stz184
0 1126 posted 14 years ago by batamire
So i wanted to spit all my error_log(); and error_reporting(E_ALL); to syslog on my MacOSX and syslog would output it on a custom file.
0 1213 posted 14 years ago by sadus
I'm originally a sys admin and i love "tail - f /var/log/*" ... so i created a similar function in PHP that will allow me to view in real time what classes/functions/files/lines of my code is being run... The usage is really simple, just set a glo...
1 1590 posted 14 years ago by sadus
0 807 posted 14 years ago by tofman
I’ve recently had to quickly parse an Apache log file, to get basic usage statistics for a site over a month and wanted the ability to quickly process any general logs and store them in a MySQL table, so I’ve made a small package class.log. In...
2 1411 posted 14 years ago by dom111
how to get your apache error log
0 917 posted 14 years ago by adriamooney
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