/ Published in: Bash

This script will do a daily backup of directories. If the files has not changed then it creates a hard-link to the file. If the file has changed then it will copy the new file. The backup is not much larger than the directories being backed up.
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#!/bin/bash #This scrip is used for backing up SPCSERV. It will make a full backup and six incremental #backups. This adds the date to the begining of the file's name. To recover data from the backup #just go directly to the date you want to recover from and copy that file to another location. ## Make the following entry into the crontab -e. The only part the will need to be changed is where the # rsync.sh file resides. For this example the rsync.sh file is in the /srv/ directory. # 0 1 * * * /srv/rsync.sh 1>>/var/log/backup.log 2>>/var/log/backup.log ####### Backup Directory Variable ########## bkdir=/mnt/intbackup/spcserv #to save the backup somewhere else. ## DO NOT CHANGE THESE ENTRIES. Change the above bkdir entry to change the location of where the backup is saved. tstamp=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S) #Timestamp used for naming files. bkdir0=${bkdir}/${tstamp}_backup.0/ #This starts the naming convention. It sets the name and directory for the current backup. beforetstmp="$(date +%s)" #Used to calculate the amount of time the backup process took. #### DO NOT CHANGE THESE ENTRIES. #### ###### This section is used to move the backup files ####### # This gets the name for each backup so that it can be moved. Since the backups' name is constantly changing # we need a way of getting the current name for each file. bkup0=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.0` #This gets the name of backup.0 so it can be moved to backup.1 bkup1=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.1` #This gets the name of backup.1 so it can be moved to backup.2 bkup2=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.2` #This gets the name of backup.2 so it can be moved to backup.3 bkup3=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.3` #This gets the name of backup.3 so it can be moved to backup.4 bkup4=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.4` #This gets the name of backup.4 so it can be moved to backup.5 bkup5=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.5` #This gets the name of backup.5 so it can be moved to backup.6 bkup6=`ls $bkdir | grep backup.6` #This gets the name of backup.6 so it can be moved to backup.tmp; which will #be moved to backup.0. We recycle this directory to reduce the amount of time #rsync has to run. #### DO NOT CHANGE THESE ENTRIES. #### ## This sripts the ending digit so that file can be incremented to the next digit. bkupStrp0=`echo ${bkup0} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 0 from backup.0 bkupStrp1=`echo ${bkup1} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 1 from backup.1 bkupStrp2=`echo ${bkup2} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 2 from backup.2 bkupStrp3=`echo ${bkup3} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 3 from backup.3 bkupStrp4=`echo ${bkup4} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 4 from backup.4 bkupStrp5=`echo ${bkup5} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 5 from backup.5 bkupStrp6=`echo ${bkup6} | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` #This removes the ending digit 6 from backup.6 #### DO NOT CHANGE THESE ENTRIES. #### ###### This section is where we start moving the file and renaming them. ###### mv ${bkdir}/${bkup6} ${bkdir}/backup.tmp #This moves backup.6 to backup.tmp mv ${bkdir}/${bkup5} ${bkdir}/${bkupStrp5}.6 #This moves backup.5 to backup.6 mv ${bkdir}/${bkup4} ${bkdir}/${bkupStrp4}.5 #This moves backup.4 to backup.5 mv ${bkdir}/${bkup3} ${bkdir}/${bkupStrp3}.4 #This moves backup.3 to backup.4 mv ${bkdir}/${bkup2} ${bkdir}/${bkupStrp2}.3 #This moves backup.2 to backup.3 mv ${bkdir}/${bkup1} ${bkdir}/${bkupStrp1}.2 #This moves backup.1 to backup.2 mv ${bkdir}/${bkup0} ${bkdir}/${bkupStrp0}.1 #This moves backup.0 to backup.1 mv ${bkdir}/backup.tmp ${bkdir0} #This moves backup.tmp to backup.0 ###### This section is responsible for syncing all of the directories you want backed up to the backup directory. ######## ## Edit this section if you want to add other directories to the backup. Here I am backing up 3 directories. ## When adding directories to this section do not use a trailing / after the directory's name. ## Example: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=/srv/bkup/${bkupStrp0}.1 /srv/Share /etc /home ${bkdir0} #rsync -a --delete --link-dest=${bkdir}/${bkupStrp0}.1 /etc /srv /home /var /ldaphome ${bkdir0} rsync -a --delete --link-dest=${bkdir}/${bkupStrp0}.1 /etc /var /home /srv /ldaphome /ldap_data ${bkdir0} # Calculate the time the whole backup process took aftertstmp="$(date +%s)" elapsed="$(expr $aftertstmp - $beforetstmp)" hours=$(($elapsed / 3600)) elapsed=$(($elapsed - $hours * 3600)) minutes=$(($elapsed / 60)) seconds=$(($elapsed - $minutes * 60)) # echo "\n" endtstamp=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S) #Timestamp used for naming files. ##### Make an entry in the log file that the backup ran successfully ##### echo ${tstamp} Backup ran successfully. The backup process took: ${hours} hours ${minutes} minutes ${seconds} seconds to complete. echo The backup ended at ${endtstamp}