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0 732 posted 14 years ago by shian
0 818 posted 14 years ago by stephen
An example solution for the 'insert-checkin-template exercise listed here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41522/tips-for-learning-elisp/59589#59589 It generates a "pretty" check in notice to be emailed, and also generates a line you can cut/pa...
0 843 posted 14 years ago by bigfaceworm
An example solution for the 'insert-code-template exercise listed here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41522/tips-for-learning-elisp/59589#59589
1 892 posted 14 years ago by bigfaceworm
An answer to the 'cycle-special-files exercise listed here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41522/tips-for-learning-elisp/59589#59589
0 898 posted 14 years ago by bigfaceworm
Answer to one of the examples here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41522/tips-for-learning-elisp/59589#59589
0 952 posted 14 years ago by bigfaceworm
By default, Emacs displays on the titlebar (I mean GUI Emacs) emacs@domain. There is a way to modify this, using (setq frame-title-format "my title"). How to display emacs@domain: ~/dir/file (or buffer name in case of e.i. *scratch*)? Add it to yo...
1 860 posted 16 years ago by coldpeer
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