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Credit goes to [shyul](http://forum.mamp.info/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=61837"shyul") and the original forum post here: [original_post](http://forum.mamp.info/viewtopic.php?t=14115"original_post") You need to modify the following file " ...\...
0 1288 posted 12 years ago by manolis
how to make the Git remote repository read-only by configuring a non-functional push URL
0 923 posted 12 years ago by m1b
In order to avoid make files executable, you can use these to chmod files and directories differently.
0 836 posted 12 years ago by wnasich
How do you make an existing git branch track a remote branch
0 971 posted 12 years ago by satie83
ChucK is a strongly-timed, concurrent, and On-the-fly Audio Programming Language. A Bundle to edit ChucK files in the TextMate editor is created at Github. To install it execute in Terminal:
0 831 posted 12 years ago by Thommm
download directory to localhost home folder new-dir-name
0 798 posted 12 years ago by zackn9ne
0 828 posted 12 years ago by satie83
0 835 posted 12 years ago by satie83
I want to get a list of all the branches in a Git repository with the "freshest" branches at the top, where the "freshest" branch is the one that's been committed to most recently (and is, therefore, more likely to be one I want to pay attention to).
0 880 posted 12 years ago by satie83
zip a folder from linux command line
0 760 posted 12 years ago by artaserse
simple command that resize and crop, if necessary, an image, centering the image.
0 902 posted 12 years ago by artaserse
A crude script to query the GitHub API for a given Organisation, and backup its repositories and associated members forks.
0 1156 posted 12 years ago by slinky
1 1092 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
This example will go get the latest version of wordpress and save it as "wordpress-latest.tar.gz" in the current directory. Note, don't include the protocal (http://) in the url.
0 807 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
Way to install jsontools jar. Inspired by http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-local.html
0 761 posted 12 years ago by ef
OK, getting sick of typing my password.
0 649 posted 12 years ago by tregeagle
Combine multiple smaller incremental commits into larger ones, perfect for encouraging you to commit often while enabling you to summarize a day's work into one, or more, simplified commit. WARNING: Only do this on commits that haven’t been push...
0 931 posted 12 years ago by beneberle
Will find all __TIF__ files and create new __JPG__ files of the same file name. - 97% quality - Resize _down only_ to `1024x1280`
0 662 posted 12 years ago by jasonseney
File transfer keeping dir structure
1 776 posted 12 years ago by blackthorne
Now I've written it down maybe I'll remember it...
0 623 posted 12 years ago by tregeagle
Enabling pear on a Mac using XXAMP
0 825 posted 12 years ago by prolutions
Perform command on all hosts found in **~/.ssh/known_hosts** Works better when [**auth.sh**](http://snipplr.com/view/46699/authsh/ "auth.sh") has been run on each host first.
0 869 posted 12 years ago by cruelfate
Check the version of CentOS
0 804 posted 12 years ago by klovera
Sets the permissions for all folders to 755, and for all files 644. Useful for SUPHP configurations which required this specific permission setup.
0 904 posted 12 years ago by axertion
Creare un disco in RAM
0 616 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
List out all your Zombie processes
0 670 posted 12 years ago by kajinka13
Shows the load of the cpu graphically in ssh (note you must install htop first)
0 783 posted 12 years ago by klovera
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