
Member since 05/20/2011

Name: AJ Self

Location: Chicago

Web developer at Threadless

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Find and replace
0 807 posted 11 years ago by inreflection7
For those moments of weakness when .replace() looks like a good idea...
0 965 posted 11 years ago by inreflection7
It can be useful to take a peek at what Apache is doing but I always forget the location of the Apache logs so I can use tail.
0 774 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
Extend jQuery :selector types Ex: $("input:text") $("input:email")
1 706 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
Sorts a list by its 'data-' attribute. Customization is very easy.
0 937 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
Search for a string, if matched replace with second provided paramater. Third parameter is the variable whose value is the string you'd like to search.
0 820 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
Use PHP to get JSON 1) set the PHP to the URL of the JSON 2) echo a variable with the loaded data 3) use a request via jQuery to get the variable from PHP
0 909 posted 12 years ago by inreflection7
Why do this? =========== *hopefully* this will cause the page to refresh and provide a stop button in the future. The idea is to use it while developing in a text editor, as in Vim or its ilk, and not have to alt+tab all the _*flipping*_ time. F...
0 684 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
image rollovers in jquery are usually super easy. However it sucks when working with absolute image paths - like a separate media server or CDN. Heres a quick snippet using substring and lastIndexOf to swap out the image src.
0 807 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
Sometimes things look terrible in CMSDesk. With just a few adjustments to the master page and its CS file you can target elements in an admin.css page.
0 601 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
Wanna lose the time portion of the date something was created in a smart search result!?!?
0 821 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
IE7 can be a pain when it comes to input submit buttons. In order to get the value to disappear using the text-indent: -999em; trick make sure to set text-transform: capitalize;
0 728 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
A really fucking cool and easy way to calculate the alpha value for microsoft gradient using Javascript. Particularly useful in the Firebug console. Like a calculator.
0 681 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
This is just a simple page full of XHTML to follow along with my JS book. A template.
0 830 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
The usual way to resolve a url file path doesn't work with JWPlayer. You'll need a different one because the "+" in ... ?guid="+ Eval("fieldName"))%> will throw an error...
0 856 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
You don't modify the CMSDesk in order to display only the date or only the time. You do it through the aspx control.
0 993 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
"This was a requirement that the client had because there were differences in how various browsers were displaying the same PDFs. By setting the "Content-Disposition" header to "attachment" it forces the user to download the file. I thought this was...
0 905 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
When submitting a bizform in Kentico it has some crappy default message. Change them in this file.
0 823 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
0 753 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
This will get the file path for something. Typically used with a cms:CMSRepeater
0 937 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
.closest and .find are very useful - surprised I haven't heard of them before.
0 761 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
0 840 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
ssh localhost -CgL 8080(your computer IP address or name):80
0 878 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
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