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The following example of iOS Phone sample SMS code employs user-friendly object, with a basis on the HTTP API.
0 1057 posted 6 years ago by Broadnet
The following example of iOS Phone sample SMS code employs user-friendly object, with a basis on the HTTP API.
0 1059 posted 6 years ago by Broadnet
0 869 posted 7 years ago by chrisaiv
Cross platform development is usually an interesting puzzle to solve. Developers will have to concentrate on meeting the requirement and also focus on getting it done for multiple platforms. We would like to showcase a small html and control file tha...
0 990 posted 9 years ago by w2ssolutions
Simple synchronous web request for ios. // Credit to the original authors: // Sam Walton // Ethan Irish // www.seven-labs.com // Be kind & share :)
0 844 posted 11 years ago by ryantxr
Here is a nice function you can use to implement a custom background for your UINavigation Bars Simply make two images in photoshop: 32 x 32 44 x 44 and name them whatever you want. put them in your iPhone project by dragging and dro...
1 958 posted 12 years ago by codeRefiner
Here is a breakdown of creating a custom initializer and or general rules of init
0 805 posted 12 years ago by codeRefiner
Here is a simple function that will return the path to the documents directory so you can store data in it later
1 1132 posted 12 years ago by codeRefiner
First you need to create an MPMediaQuery using the playListsQuery. Then, you loop through each playlist and retrieve the valueForProperty.
0 789 posted 13 years ago by nd6
Begin by making the class a CPPlotSpaceDelegate.
0 753 posted 13 years ago by bethjt1220
Only allows one table view cell to be checked.
0 787 posted 13 years ago by bethjt1220
In viewDidLoad
0 691 posted 13 years ago by bethjt1220
background tap - background should have type UIControl and method should be connected to the "touch down" action textView - doesn't need to be connected to an action, but delegate needs to be connected to something that is a UITextViewDelegate text...
1 777 posted 13 years ago by bethjt1220
Pulls data from a plist set up as a dictionary of arrays of strings. Creates multi-level TableView that can be nested inside a navigation controller. Snippet shows key methods for 2 nested levels. 2 levels --> 2 classes (both of which extend UIT...
0 721 posted 13 years ago by bethjt1220
Code taken from comment by 'William Jockusch' in the URL.
1 844 posted 13 years ago by yannxou
0 774 posted 13 years ago by eisabai
1 661 posted 13 years ago by shimdh
3 770 posted 14 years ago by funkypanda
1 720 posted 14 years ago by unravelme1
This sinpet is extracted from a post of "Undefined Value", Kris Johnson's Blog.
2 1011 posted 14 years ago by funkypanda
How to dwonload and use a Retro Avatar image in a iPhone App. In this example: uid is a Facebook user id, optionally you can use any string, a name, a md5 hash of a email address and it is assumed you have an image view with tag id 1 you want to set...
1 904 posted 14 years ago by ollie
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