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This is a simple SASS script that producing CSS classes for text alignment in different screen sizes primarily for bootstrap but of course can be used in other scripts as well.
0 909 posted 9 years ago by merianos
rgba fallback for any attribute
0 863 posted 10 years ago by eklemen
SASS to customize the appearance of select inputs
0 889 posted 10 years ago by eklemen
Use to control inline or block questions at different media query breakpoints.
0 793 posted 10 years ago by eklemen
Mixin sets element width without clogging your markup. Set layout width, number of columns and gutter width. I use it to make sites responsive when if don't need to change the amount of columns. eg. 1218px, 978px and 768px grids. Usage: Full...
0 785 posted 10 years ago by adambuczek
A concise reference listing all of the available functions built into Sass.
0 946 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
I recently wanted to learn Sass and after reading the documentation I looked around for a more concise set of docs to reference while writing but couldn't find anything. So I made my own based off of what was in the documentation of Sass's website....
0 947 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
You just need to configure the width, columns, and gutter
3 826 posted 12 years ago by firewalker06
0 735 posted 13 years ago by track02
0 835 posted 13 years ago by track02
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