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With this script a new user gets created and gets his own VirtualHost and database. The username is used for building the domain, so the username "test" leads to the domain test.local. The password for the MySQL account used for creating the datab...
1 1006 posted 11 years ago by derbenni
This snippet will produce an alpha-numeric 16 character password
1 773 posted 11 years ago by mralexjuarez
mount vmware share folder in linux guest
0 744 posted 11 years ago by tzvio
How to obtain all the commits that occurred between two dates
0 1108 posted 11 years ago by satie83
Create a bash alias for a SSH command, e.g. sshToWork
1 891 posted 11 years ago by adamokruhlicaeu
From a local computer to a server with a public/private key pair.
0 802 posted 11 years ago by adamokruhlicaeu
Get text for system errors
0 838 posted 11 years ago by dck11
This is a simple wrapper to bc to perform basic calculator duties. with up to 4 decimal place precision. its just one of those things you might find useful. Then again all the os's out there have a gui calc easily ready too.
0 797 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
Remove Unneeded Linux Kernels in Ubuntu
0 817 posted 11 years ago by oxnard
This script opens an SSL tunnel between a source host and a target host.
1 873 posted 11 years ago by miceno
This script enables the conversion of the HTML files available in the ePub format in only one PDF file
0 2399 posted 11 years ago by chema_ar
Say I'm in a Git repository. I delete a file and commit that change. I continue working and make some more commits. Then, I find I need to restore that file.
0 884 posted 11 years ago by satie83
If you have a script that must be run as the root user, put this at the top:
1 1092 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
In order to use a proxy by default for your network-based commands, create the file "~/.ssh/config" and give it these properties. Replace "proxyhost" with the hostname/IP of the proxy server and "80" with the port of the proxy server.
0 922 posted 11 years ago by deanhouseholder
Create this in: ~/.bash_aliases.
0 655 posted 11 years ago by lddurbin
This is a bash file to Create or Delete Virtual Host in Ubuntu system and Apache server. This file open the Virtual Host in "/home/{user}/www/{domain}" To run this file you need to make this file executable: > sudo chmod u+x /path/to/file Th...
0 898 posted 11 years ago by roeyhaim
see source
0 839 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Shell script written in bash which displays a menu giving the you ability to add, edit, modify, and delete users.
1 3345 posted 11 years ago by dego89
0 489 posted 11 years ago by inhji
Replaces string 'sth' with 'sth-new' in all files in current directory.
0 778 posted 11 years ago by ef
Find and replace
0 845 posted 11 years ago by inreflection7
customized version of Sexy Bash Prompt
1 1286 posted 11 years ago by oxnard
Using sed to recursively remove malicious code injection form .php files when the injected code follows the pattern <?php>
0 1065 posted 12 years ago by tinytiger
This would convert images at 30fps to a mp4 video, with sequence titles: ImageName0000.png, ImageName0001.png, etc. You could use -r 1/5 to use one frame every five seconds.
1 993 posted 12 years ago by jmiller
My first (simpliest) way to collect monitoring data from few servers. Only skeleton for adding custom parameters. Using this way is not a good idea in general.
1 685 posted 12 years ago by 2mf
Find and List all the files with extension .file containing/not containing the given string "STRING" The snippet is set to "containing", to switch it to "not containg" just replace "grep -l" with "grep -L" containing : grep -l not containing:...
0 809 posted 12 years ago by claudiodev
As portrayed by the example found in the [Advanced Bash Scripting guide](http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/here-docs.html) this demonstrates a few techniques
0 869 posted 12 years ago by symsec
As portrayed by the example found in the [Advanced Bash Scripting guide](http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/here-docs.html) this demonstrates a few techniques
0 837 posted 12 years ago by symsec