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convert numbers to letters (french) V2
0 1704 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
convert numbers to text (french) V1
0 2266 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to list directories and subdirectories in an excel sheet ?
0 4377 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to list files in directories and subdirectories ?
0 1652 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to list files, with details, in an excel sheet
0 1374 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to list recursively files, in an excel sheet ?
0 1200 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to list files from a directory ?
0 1248 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
rechercher une valeur dans une variable tableau (Array) en VBA Find some value into an array
0 1919 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
List of access database queries Pour tester, ouvre la fenêtre de Debug (CTRL G), et tapes-y 'ListeRequetes' et appuye sur la touche [Entrée].
0 1292 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
How to populate an array with recordset data
0 1275 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Le code suivant vous permet de copier un fichier (par exemple un document Word ou un PDF) dans une archive existante. Cela implique que le fichier original sera ajouté à l'archive mais restera également dans sa forme originale (non-compressée) à l'en...
0 1106 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Il suffit d'indiquer le nom du fichier à archiver et le nom de l'archive. Par défaut, si l'archive mentionné existe déjà, la macro va l'effacer avant de le recréer. Archive / compress a file with VBA
0 1259 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Comment lister tous les fichiers d'un répertoire dans un fichier excel ? Excel (VBA) list all filenames in a directory mastipro
0 1807 posted 5 years ago by martinbrait
Read data from TXT files to import them in Excel environment
0 1209 posted 7 years ago by buglilorenzo
The following example of VB6 sample SMS code uses an expedient object, contingent on the HTTP API.
0 1687 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
If you've forgotten a password to an Excel workbook that was created in version 2010 or older. See URL for more details.
0 1195 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Selecting different values from a data validation drop down list will populate the same cell, i.e. it will create a concatenating list separated by commas. Amend the "If Target.Column" values to set the columns this applies to.
0 1206 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Create a custom right-click menu that will list and launch all macros in the DemonstationMacros module. Copy and past the code into the relevant object or module.
0 1257 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Import CSV files into a named table in Access database. Use to bulk load tables.
0 1402 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Lists all filenames in a directory if you need them for formulae or add into VBA.
1 1205 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Create a bespoke Excel function that allows you to hash (anonnymise / pseudonymise) strings such as unique identifiers. Once you've inserted the VBA, use the function "=BASE64SHA1(cellreference)" to generate the hash.
0 4989 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
This inserts a new column in the active worksheet and lists all the worksheet names, using a row for each name. Useful if you have lots of worksheets names that you want to reference accurately.
0 1253 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
This code allows you to open an Excel workbook from an Access database and run macros within the target workbook. This could be used to format / clean data prior to import for example.
0 1249 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Hide specific worksheets in a workbook that contain a prefix. This example uses "Admin_", although this can be changed easily.
0 1015 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
VBA to unhide all worksheets in an Excel workbook.
0 1101 posted 8 years ago by cueballrawn
Written as reply to question on ittoolbox.com:"I need to execute a query in vb which can find multiple value provided by the user to find from a single column of a table." [http://database.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/sql-l/query-to-fin...
0 1064 posted 9 years ago by bvwatson
Calculates the center moving average for a time period. The vA requires a range or an array of numbers and the iSteps takes the number of periods in the timeframe (4 for quarters, 7 for weekly, ect)
1 1394 posted 9 years ago by BDOGG32
Two functions that can extract text from a string. Must have the Option Compare Text at the top of the module.
2 1154 posted 9 years ago by BDOGG32
Uses regular expressions to do string manipulation. Enter a regular expression into the required parameter and what you want the manipulation to do and it will process the string manipulation. For example if A1 contains John Doe1, Jane Doe2, John W...
2 1236 posted 9 years ago by BDOGG32
Code to turn certain feature off and on for faster running of code in Excel
1 1580 posted 9 years ago by BDOGG32
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