
Member since 01/31/2008

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ändern der Klasse bei checkbox aktion
1 1156 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
Example Running: alphaID(9007199254740989); will return 'PpQXn7COf' and: alphaID('PpQXn7COf', true); will return '9007199254740989' Easy right?
1 1159 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
To remove that ugly added padding from submit buttons try this width:auto !important; seems to work for IE7
2 1145 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
bring back the old browser detection
1 1118 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
dynamic background images flickers in IE6 *** more ressources: [here](http://misterpixel.blogspot.com/2006/09/forensic-analysis-of-ie6.html) and [here](http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B823727) and [here](http://ajaxia...
0 899 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
2 998 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
With the ever increasing use of alternate media types I feel there is a need to deliver JavaScript targeted to these types of devices. This would allow alternate and modified content, as well as a customized user experience through the use of modern...
2 999 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
see website for all information about that. some more theory: [color-scaling-function](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/168838/color-scaling-function) [generate-color-for-a-power-meter-red-to-green](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/340209/gene...
0 1105 posted 15 years ago by localhorst
very easy to use pagination class, see website for comments
1 1716 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
This handy trick works in IE5.5/Win and newer. It assumes that the default printer orientation is portrait.
1 1085 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
IE can't handle [ option disabled="disabled" ] tags, so this htc will help
0 1086 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
Many examples that show how to use the header() function of PHP
3 940 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
„Versioning and Cross-document InteractionInternet Explorer 8 introduces the IE8 standards mode by default—this lets Web designers use the latest rendering features available in Internet Explorer 8. In addition to layout changes, IE8 standards mo...
3 1202 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
I know what you think - no discussion about this needless piece of code to prevent copying texts/images from websites, but there are customers outside that are advising resistant and so I use this code to scare off their potential clienteles.
2 1094 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
This is a little trick I came up with to add outerHTML functionality in Firefox. For those who aren't familiar with outerHTML, it is an IE addition to the DOM that will return the element's HTML PLUS it's innerHTML. Is it really needed? No, but it ca...
1 1547 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
Creating a horizontal row of objects that are equidistant from each other is another one of those things in web design that is much more difficult than it should be. This can be a very useful thing to do, especially in fluid width layouts when you ar...
1 934 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
When processing text for a search engine or analysis tool, code needs to strip out punctuation, formatting, spacing, and control characters to reveal indexable text. In international text there are hundreds of these characters, and some should be rem...
1 1059 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
This snippet shows you how to limit the download rate of a file download.
18 5900 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
The PHP Code appears in Post Comments
4 1748 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
prevent errors in other browsers
0 935 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
customized breadcrumbnavigation for PHPWCMS. Gives more control over styling and display. {MYBREADCRUMB:n}
0 859 posted 16 years ago by localhorst
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