/ Published in: PHP

When processing text for a search engine or analysis tool, code needs to strip out punctuation, formatting, spacing, and control characters to reveal indexable text. In international text there are hundreds of these characters, and some should be removed in one context, but not in another. This tip shows how.
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function strip_punctuation( $text ) { $urlbrackets = '\[\]\(\)'; $urlspacebefore = ':;\'_\*%@&?!' . $urlbrackets; $urlspaceafter = '\.,:;\'\-_\*@&\/\\\\\?!#' . $urlbrackets; $urlall = '\.,:;\'\-_\*%@&\/\\\\\?!#' . $urlbrackets; $specialquotes = '\'"\*<>'; $fullstop = '\x{002E}\x{FE52}\x{FF0E}'; $comma = '\x{002C}\x{FE50}\x{FF0C}'; $arabsep = '\x{066B}\x{066C}'; $numseparators = $fullstop . $comma . $arabsep; $numbersign = '\x{0023}\x{FE5F}\x{FF03}'; $percent = '\x{066A}\x{0025}\x{066A}\x{FE6A}\x{FF05}\x{2030}\x{2031}'; $prime = '\x{2032}\x{2033}\x{2034}\x{2057}'; $nummodifiers = $numbersign . $percent . $prime; // Remove separator, control, formatting, surrogate, // open/close quotes. '/[\p{Z}\p{Cc}\p{Cf}\p{Cs}\p{Pi}\p{Pf}]/u', // Remove other punctuation except special cases '/\p{Po}(?<![' . $specialquotes . $numseparators . $urlall . $nummodifiers . '])/u', // Remove non-URL open/close brackets, except URL brackets. '/[\p{Ps}\p{Pe}](?<![' . $urlbrackets . '])/u', // Remove special quotes, dashes, connectors, number // separators, and URL characters followed by a space '/[' . $specialquotes . $numseparators . $urlspaceafter . '\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+((?= )|$)/u', // Remove special quotes, connectors, and URL characters // preceded by a space '/((?<= )|^)[' . $specialquotes . $urlspacebefore . '\p{Pc}]+/u', // Remove dashes preceded by a space, but not followed by a number '/((?<= )|^)\p{Pd}+(?![\p{N}\p{Sc}])/u', // Remove consecutive spaces '/ +/', ), ' ', $text ); }