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Unlike linked style sheets, it is necessary to enclose CSS in Headers in a "style type". This example media query is for screens under 1024 (tablets and phones) to make sure the images do not extend beyond the layout.
0 1061 posted 9 years ago by jefferis
Datoteka zaglavlja za "main_drvo.cpp" iz kolegija Strukture podataka, zadaća 4. Funkcije za rad nad binarnim stablom pomoću pokazivača.
0 706 posted 9 years ago by igradeca
Datoteka zaglavlja za "main_drvo.cpp" iz kolegija Strukture podataka, zadaća 4. Algoritmi za obilazak stabla.
0 734 posted 9 years ago by igradeca
Datoteka zaglavlja za "main_drvo.cpp" iz kolegija Strukture podataka, zadaća 4. Operacije nad općenitim stablom
0 731 posted 9 years ago by igradeca
Simple loop for adding header and footer avery n times in loop. Useful for printing tables.
0 810 posted 10 years ago by fedek6
Slides in a banner-header after some pixels of scrolling.
0 650 posted 10 years ago by mountbatt
binarno stablo header pokazivac
0 528 posted 10 years ago by Dragana_Mlikota
binarno stablo header polje
0 611 posted 10 years ago by Dragana_Mlikota
Compact Privacy Policy allowing cookies to be used in an iframe without being blocked by the host website. See link for further details.
0 685 posted 10 years ago by gromitski
Sublime Text
0 754 posted 10 years ago by greencocoa
quick way to get column headers formatted
0 648 posted 11 years ago by lolrenx
When Domino is used to create a webservice consumer, it does not provide an easy way to add SOAP headers to method calls. To do so, extend the STUB class it provides, copy any methods that need SOAP headers, and insert a line after the 'createCall'...
0 642 posted 11 years ago by lspellman
Some webservices require a SOAP header to be added to requests (typically with authentication information). For Domino webservice consumer code, this can be handled by extending the generated stub class and rewriting the service calls that are being...
0 768 posted 11 years ago by lspellman
Datoteka zaglavlja u kojoj se nalazi moja implementacija liste pomoću polja. Datoteka sadži funkcije: InitL(L), FirstL(L), EndL(L),NextL(p,L),PreviousL(p,L), LocateL(x,L), InsertL(x,p,L), DeleteL(p,L), RetreiveL(p,L), DeleteAllL(L), br_unesenih_el...
0 517 posted 11 years ago by Bozidar
Datoteka zaglavlja u kojoj se nalazi moja implementacija liste pomoću pokazivača. Datoteka sadži funkcije: InitL(L), FirstL(L), EndL(L),NextL(p,L),PreviousL(p,L), LocateL(x,L), InsertL(x,p,L), DeleteL(p,L), RetreiveL(p,L), DeleteAllL(L), brunesen...
0 547 posted 11 years ago by Bozidar
Take control of HTTP header status codes.
1 900 posted 11 years ago by o0110o
HTTP headers to disable caching.
1 862 posted 12 years ago by ryantxr
Implementacija reda preko pokazivača
0 555 posted 12 years ago by tlapas
This is the header.php file from Soul Care Aesthetics - complete with CSS and social icons spaces
0 785 posted 12 years ago by guitarman2uk
IE Blocking iFrame Cookies
0 859 posted 12 years ago by kiroweb
Remove unnecessary code from the default WordPress header.
0 742 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
Once we login and are in the backend of WordPress, there is another small logo of WordPress displayed on top. It’s small but if you wish to change it, then add below code to the same functions.php file we created in above step.
0 625 posted 12 years ago by jamiebrwr
When a client wants to access the WordPress admin, the first thing they will notice is the login page with a WordPress logo. Wouldn’t it be better if this page had the logo of your client’s company or maybe yours? There are many simpler ways to d...
0 716 posted 12 years ago by jamiebrwr
0 810 posted 13 years ago by kreatific
0 769 posted 13 years ago by rod
0 597 posted 13 years ago by psteinweber
0 597 posted 13 years ago by psteinweber
0 780 posted 13 years ago by supermauerbros
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