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Code to replace your opening <html> tag with conditionally set IE classes, including IE10.
1 1294 posted 10 years ago by Japegrape
rgba fallback for any attribute
0 1097 posted 11 years ago by eklemen
IE doesn't like console.log. This fixes that.
1 1010 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Useful trick from css tricks blog at http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/fixing-ie-z-index/
0 1079 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
IE notification to upgrade your browser
0 998 posted 12 years ago by raz
Simple solution found via link. Just edit code from demo page(s). Also http://uniformjs.com/
0 1058 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
Returns the version of Windows Internet Explorer or a -1 (indicating the use of another browser).
0 943 posted 12 years ago by satie83
rather annoying issue that I encountered and spent too much time researching - the relevant IE fix is in all caps
1 1257 posted 12 years ago by felicemente
gt: greater than lte: less than or equal to not IE: <!--[if> -->
0 1014 posted 13 years ago by webtechdev
Helps to manage console.log debug in js when broswing in IE. If alertFallback is enabled, you can see js alerts appears of vars tracked.
0 957 posted 13 years ago by Simounet
Simple mix of basic CSS, HTML, and jQuery to detect IE and display a message to the user encouraging them to update.
0 1024 posted 13 years ago by thewickedchemist
IE Blocking iFrame Cookies
0 1058 posted 13 years ago by kiroweb
IE not interpreting text-indent on submit buttons ? How it works Let’s see how it works. font-size:0 is used to reduce the font size and works well in IE7. But even after adding this line, you would notice a black line(which is basically the t...
0 1106 posted 13 years ago by kiroweb
0 1084 posted 13 years ago by raz
The HTML simply discovers if it's IE and its version or if it's not IE. The jQuery discovers if it's IE, Firefox, Webkit Engine (Chrome and Safari) or Opera and its version as an integer.
1 1667 posted 13 years ago by cesarkohl
0 910 posted 13 years ago by mmcculley
HTML conditional comments used to target specific versions of Internet Explorer (is ignored by all other browsers).
0 987 posted 13 years ago by DenoteIt
0 948 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
HTML should look like this: <div> <p>Lorem ipsum here</p> </div> <div> <img> </div>
0 1004 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
0 932 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
Well, many of you are used to just replace the lack of min / max width / height for IE with fixed dimensions, right? But you don’t need to do it anymore. IE is not a strict standards browser and sometimes we can take advantage of this to code thing...
0 1072 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
0 1045 posted 13 years ago by alexilin
The html5.js and must be inserted in the head element (this is because IE needs to know about the element before it comes to render them - so it can't sit in the footer of the page, i.e. below the elements in question).
0 917 posted 13 years ago by blantonious
Enables you to easily select older version of CSS by class rather than having a seperate CSS file for each version of IE.
0 949 posted 13 years ago by plesh
Ha az internet explorerben nem sikerül a fájl letöltése(olyan hibát dob, hogy nem tudja letölteni), akkor ezt a headerbe kell belerakni és már töltődik is a fájl.
0 889 posted 13 years ago by oozolii
0 1038 posted 13 years ago by kreatific
You need to insert this before the call of Cufon.replace
0 971 posted 13 years ago by lurnid
0 850 posted 13 years ago by a1ias
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