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Set headers for file download
0 816 posted 7 years ago by macodev
AIX does not have Package Manager like YUM for Open Source Software. So I made a script to automatically install RPM packages on AIX box by downloading it from www.oss4aix.org site via ftp . It is very first version, it does not have all the necess...
0 950 posted 9 years ago by teterkin
Uses javascript to create a hidden iframe which downloads the file
0 2580 posted 9 years ago by jakob101
simple ftp download example
0 801 posted 10 years ago by ktrout
By default Apache won't allow you to download a file over 2GB. This PHP script overcomes that along with some extra goodies. The script will read from standard url path the file on the server to download and display the filesize along with a link...
1 1003 posted 10 years ago by deanhouseholder
Place this snippent in your script, and call it like this: urllib.urlretrieve(getFile, saveFile, reporthook=report) Notice it is the 3rd argument that calls the function on each file that needs to be downloaded.
1 1837 posted 10 years ago by o0110o
This snippet allows you set a limitation for download rate of the file that visitors download from your site.
1 1132 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
Here is a set of functions that can be very useful: Give this script the url of a webpage, and it will save all images from this page on your server.
1 1476 posted 11 years ago by goo
This function will force a file to be downloaded. It accepts $_path as a parameter.
1 864 posted 11 years ago by o0110o
Tool to download youtube videos with STDIN (PIPE) support for playlist parsers like umph or youParse (PYTHON3+)
0 863 posted 11 years ago by pantuts
Class that convert arrays to csv format, downloads CSV files and saves to disk on server.
0 933 posted 11 years ago by TimoZachi
Extracts the video title & download URL from a youtube page and starts a download.
3 1300 posted 12 years ago by codespartan
Must set quite a few funkiest looking suff on Playstation Cell tower network? PSN Card stoock Computer codes is get a lean body demand. In case your searching PSN Visa card Requirements that may be no stay with me the. Within a fast quite a few step...
0 1114 posted 12 years ago by kylejed2001
download directory to localhost home folder new-dir-name
0 695 posted 12 years ago by zackn9ne
This PHP code is made to help people using the ActionScript 3 AlivePDF library to save PDF files from a Flash app to a server. ActionScript 3 AlivePDF save code: _pdf.save(Method.REMOTE, "save.php", Download.ATTACHMENT, "MyFile.pdf");
0 889 posted 12 years ago by vamapaull
Force downloadable file with php
0 721 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
Downloads contents as a byte array or string, depending on need.
0 787 posted 12 years ago by dkirkland
used this to download a bunch of wsdls. Put all addresses in a file and execute the script like groovy download.groovy file.txt
0 2044 posted 12 years ago by m3rol666
0 786 posted 12 years ago by silentpro
Based on http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25498/#chapter3.Application_3_Retrieving_large
0 814 posted 12 years ago by itskkumaran
"This was a requirement that the client had because there were differences in how various browsers were displaying the same PDFs. By setting the "Content-Disposition" header to "attachment" it forces the user to download the file. I thought this was...
0 841 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
When offering some files such as mp3s, eps or xls, for download on your site, you may force download instead of letting the browser decide what to do. This snippet will force the download of .xls and .eps files from your server.
0 708 posted 13 years ago by manuelpedrera
0 790 posted 13 years ago by zayyarphone
simple pass the file name and that file will be available for download
0 754 posted 13 years ago by kumar_sekhar
Free JavaScript slideshow with thumbnail gallery, zoom-in-effect, zoom-out-effect and transparency-effect (opacity). Add as many pictures as you like. Each picture can be linked and commented. The thumbnail gallery can be displayed or hidden. True co...
0 913 posted 13 years ago by fabulant
Simple force download crossbrowser
0 882 posted 13 years ago by Mosaic
Not extensively tested, but seems to work in my sample project. uses the class I posted here: http://www.snipplr.com/view/46669/minimist-c-errorlogging-class/
1 1189 posted 13 years ago by kyrathaba
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