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0 798 posted 11 years ago by larscmagnusson
This is my simple image resizer on the fly thing. -- WARNING -- Resizing and showing images on the fly could potentially kill your server or make the website slow. Ideally, this should save the resized image in a cache. However, more often th...
0 1069 posted 11 years ago by brownrl
A function and if statement to detect whether or not the browser is a mobile device.
0 1610 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
Using the same code in different browsers can be displayed in different ways. Resetting styles will help you to avoid such problems.
0 856 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
don't forget to add jfxrt.jar to class path
0 775 posted 11 years ago by alexedy
Helps to find out browser version and type your website visitor is using.
0 824 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
I needed to open a browser window from my small C# app as a result of a dynamic URL build from data received from the command line. This did the trick!
1 1073 posted 11 years ago by Verician
JQuery dependent snippet that will detect OS, Browser and Version
0 897 posted 12 years ago by MagnerSanborn
Simple mix of basic CSS, HTML, and jQuery to detect IE and display a message to the user encouraging them to update.
0 823 posted 12 years ago by thewickedchemist
0 755 posted 12 years ago by simondiercks
1 849 posted 12 years ago by Krummelz
Скрипт "Материализатор", снабжающий сочным подтекстом любой текст. Выкладываю здесь, поскольку ссылки на [оригинальном сайте](http://lleo.me/dnev...
0 646 posted 12 years ago by certainlyakey
Cross Browser CSS Arrows / Triangles ======== *Tags: css, css Arrow, CSS Triangles, Cross Browser CSS Arrow, Cross Browser CSS Triangle* **Copyrights:** All Copyrights reserved to [Mohamed Alaa - Front End Developer](http://www.seniorwebdes...
0 929 posted 12 years ago by MohamedAlaa
This will get the arguments on the query string and put them into a handy array.
0 856 posted 12 years ago by brownrl
Will produce output like this: <html> ... </html> <html> ... </html> Target in CSS like this: html[data-useragent*='Chrome/13.0'] .nav {background:url(img/radial_grad.png) center bottom no-repeat;} or html[data-useragent*=...
0 927 posted 12 years ago by reverend
The HTML simply discovers if it's IE and its version or if it's not IE. The jQuery discovers if it's IE, Firefox, Webkit Engine (Chrome and Safari) or Opera and its version as an integer.
1 1359 posted 12 years ago by cesarkohl
0 718 posted 12 years ago by rprol
0 835 posted 13 years ago by track02
0 701 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
This is a free gift to you folks ;)
1 945 posted 13 years ago by miltonbneto
Automatically use jQuery to Open External Links in New Window (checking domain first).
3 1015 posted 13 years ago by mindshare
0 741 posted 13 years ago by EpiksolCreative
1 869 posted 13 years ago by mfigge
0 757 posted 13 years ago by Caneco
Sometimes, pages can be shorter than the browser view-port, and when you load a page on the same site that has longer content and uses a scrollbar, content can jump side to side. By forcing a scrollbar no matter the height of our content, we stop thi...
0 640 posted 13 years ago by paul66
0 617 posted 13 years ago by i0ni
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