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Use to sort table columns by clicking on the table headings
0 13875 posted 5 years ago by jlustre
Sort & query arrays in PHP. Sort multi dimensional arrays by object properties and filter the array by specific criteria. Documentation: https://github.com/mattnicholson/DataList
1 1296 posted 10 years ago by mattnicholson
selection sort in java
0 1200 posted 10 years ago by acecengic
Creating a nested array from items with parent IDs. This is useful for when you have a website working with multiple categories with parent categories. But it can be applied anywhere, really!
0 1696 posted 11 years ago by CreativePunch
http://sortwithprimes.webs.com/ Deeper description on how it works.
0 973 posted 11 years ago by Henkish_92
I love this one. Needed a good way to numerically sort IP addresses or OIDs. Took longer to come up with this than I'm willing to admit. Hope others find it useful.
0 1178 posted 12 years ago by kurtkincaid
Implementacija liste pomocu pokazivaca
1 940 posted 12 years ago by ivadobrincic1
Glavni dio programa
0 836 posted 12 years ago by ivadobrincic1
Glavni dio programa za 1. zadatak iz kolegija "Strukture podataka"
1 841 posted 12 years ago by ivadobrincic1
Ovo je program koji evidentira zivotinje u trgovini sa kucnim ljubimcima. Zapis treba sadrzavati sljedece podatke: sifru, vrstu, naziv, cijenu i datum dostave. Omogucena je implementacija liste i pomocu polja i pomocu pokazivaca. Glavne operacije nad...
0 781 posted 12 years ago by izavrski2
Ovo je datoteka zaglavlja lista_polje.h u kojoj se nalazi implementacija liste pomoću polja. Riješenje je realizirano pomoću polja.
0 820 posted 12 years ago by nzvorc
Header koji sadrži sve funkcije koje se mogu izvesti nad listom implementirane pomocu pokazivaca. U headeru se jos nalazi i Merge sort algoritam.
0 953 posted 12 years ago by mnovosel2
Sort multidimesional array using qsort
0 1243 posted 12 years ago by barigazy
sort a multidimensional array by field
0 1033 posted 12 years ago by akt
sort a multidimensional array by field
0 989 posted 12 years ago by akt
A nice way to do sorting of a key on a multi-dimensional array - DavidG
0 1181 posted 12 years ago by satie83
Sorts an array of objects using the native sortOn method
0 1279 posted 13 years ago by Narayon
This sorts a multi-dimensional array by one of the values in the array. Sorts in Desc order (most recent date first).
0 1070 posted 13 years ago by bitsculptor
Very helpful function for sorting multi-dimensional arrays
0 1064 posted 13 years ago by chasecrawford
Sorts a list by its 'data-' attribute. Customization is very easy.
0 1085 posted 13 years ago by inreflection7
Ordena cualquier array multidimensional en base a un campo específico
0 1037 posted 13 years ago by n19ht
Used to sort array of objects by it's property Note: Anonymous functions are available since PHP 5.3.0.
0 1266 posted 13 years ago by Rain
0 1114 posted 13 years ago by wanchun0222
1. Get Posts however you see fit 2. Loop through the posts getting the terms from taxonomies and add them to the Post object 3. Sort the Array of Post Objects by the property you want them sorted by using sort_on_field()
0 1389 posted 13 years ago by kingkool68
There seems to be no easy way to insert a key and value at the beginning of an array, as array_unset does not allow you to specify a key. This is not a very efficient way to do it, but it works. Pretend the array is currently: array("a"=>"b", "c"...
0 1326 posted 13 years ago by lemcoe9
Ordena alfabéticamente el array $friends['data'] obtenido con la api de facebook.
0 1157 posted 13 years ago by serialk89
0 1048 posted 13 years ago by nathanbweb
0 1071 posted 13 years ago by mike_fowler
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