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ginoplusio's Recent Snippets

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How to remap a value to another inside a mysql query select.
0 1147 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
Here is a function that read the number of times a url is shared on twitter.
1 1106 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
I will show you how to crate an app for facebook to handle the facebook connect process on your web site. Then I will show you the php code to perform the login on facebook and retrieve the informations you need for your site. The last suggestion w...
0 1086 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
When you add facebook like button to your site, probably, you also want to save the number of likes of your pages to your database.These data are very useful and very important because they tell you which of your articles are better than others. More...
0 1445 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
Thanks to you can read a public feed with your photos. Use this code to retrieve your photos and use them on your web.
0 1274 posted 13 years ago by ginoplusio
I’ve made this function that receive the input $video string that contains the dirty embed code as it is from youtube. The second parameter $new_width (if specified) permits to resize the embed code proportionally to the width you need for your tem...
0 1364 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
Since the 31 of august 2010, twitter made its API more secure, stopping basic authentication calls. So, if you used basic authentication you have to change your code and implement oAuth authentication model or you can follow this link and found a mi...
1 1603 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
If you need to add some content to your pages without having that content in your database you can use Wikipedia API. You can, for example, need to add automatically a simple description to a city name, or to a band name. Or you could need to add the...
1 988 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
Add and remove www to urls through .htaccess with mod_rewrite
1 1100 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
Redirects all calls to mp3 files to a proxy (usefull fr example to track stats on db) the +FollowSymlinks should be already setted, but if it isnt' this setting with use it. FollowSymlinks must be on to use the rewrite engine.
0 1453 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
This simply php function will retrieve the links of the images from Google Images searched with a keyword. The function just calls and parse the html to find the url of the images, in this case the urls are stored in the javascript,...
0 3114 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
This small function receive a text as input and returns an html text with links if the source text contains urls (http://www… but also ftp://… and every other protocol), emails, twitter’s usernames (with @ at the beginning) and also twitter tag...
0 1226 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
Changing Facebook Status with PHP, download the Mini Bot PHP class from the blog
1 1229 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
PHP function of mini bot class that lets you retrieve twitter infos from twitter nickname. ($this->attr method is part of the Mini Bot Class)
2 1011 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
This function calls pingomatic rpc service to increase traffic to your site. More info and instructions on [Barattalo blog]( "read this post"). .
1 1477 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
1 1540 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
Suppose you have a login form and you want to send the form when user press enter on his keyboard and not only by clicking on the submit button. This can be achieved capturing a specific event when the user is typing. We have to capture the keypress...
1 1210 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
Function to fix char set and collation on mysql tables, see [this link]( "Fix encoding on db") for examples and more infos.
1 1201 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
This PHP class lets you clean and repair html code. WHAT IT DOES: delete closed tags without their opening tag, fix open tag without close, closing them automatically, check bad nesting and fix them, fix bad quotes in attributes, merge different styl...
2 2440 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
1 912 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
1 1189 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
Used to copy the user avatar from Facebook to your community in this [Facebook Connect Tutorial]( "Tutorial").
1 1009 posted 15 years ago by ginoplusio
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