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codeigniter autocomplete
0 1086 posted 10 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 1072 posted 10 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 1056 posted 10 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 1084 posted 10 years ago by shivrajgoa
Wundertweets magento extension add twitter functinality to your store. It is user-friendly and customizable. Display your twitter feed, search by hastag or show your list of tweets Using twitter widget is effective, but it is limited for design c...
0 947 posted 10 years ago by steelgray9
Magento Social Login extension allows Customers to log in to your site using their accounts of various popular networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter.
0 1285 posted 10 years ago by steelgray9
Follow me on twitter flexible user and message Add to post [twitter username='VeronicaDjeneva']Follow me Somebody[/twitter]
0 760 posted 11 years ago by Scoldy
The loading of JS social buttons its deferred until onload event its fired.
0 865 posted 11 years ago by jefrancomix
Demo Image: http://i.imgur.com/hTQXYOu.png
0 917 posted 11 years ago by jntu_gnec
Automatically link Twitter usernames in WordPress - Paste the code into the functions.php of your theme
0 1325 posted 11 years ago by ederwp
Here is a function that read the number of times a url is shared on twitter.
1 1133 posted 12 years ago by ginoplusio
Displaying your latest tweets is a good way to encourage people to follow you on Twitter. The most common place to display tweets is in the sidebar, although you can add them to any area of the website.
0 1077 posted 12 years ago by i-am-andy
Twitter Clone v2.2.1 is the best available PHP clone of Twitter available online. Like our other products it is also extremely robust, user-friendly and very secured. Please visit http://itechscripts.com for this script and other FREE downloads.
0 1088 posted 12 years ago by iTechScripts
The main objective of this example is to access social media providers Facebook, Twitter and others by clicking a single button "Share".On Clicking the button the api will open dialog of providers. User can access the provider from dialog and can...
0 1125 posted 12 years ago by vinny82
Include twitter bootstrap, as of this writing is at v2.0.4 and the following JS / html to your page and also uses Glyphicons.
0 1187 posted 12 years ago by crypticsoft
Add this snippet to the functions.php to render your twitter followers count. Replace 'planetabhi' with your twitter screen name
0 1091 posted 12 years ago by planetabhi
The program uses the XML LIBNAME engine, FILENAME URL, SGPLOT procedure, and a simple PROC PRINT to create a report of recent Twitter activity around a specified hashtag.
0 1161 posted 12 years ago by webonomic
Script for twitter widget
0 875 posted 13 years ago by CKOink
A new version of my most popular jQuery plugin -Twitter Friends widget. This version aims to be better looking and easier to setup.
1 1017 posted 13 years ago by mikemore
A simple PHP function for fetching tweets. Just provide your Twitter screen name and how many tweets you want and that is it. The function returns a simplified result set because you rarely need all the stuff that the Twitter API throws your way. If...
1 1082 posted 13 years ago by Sverri
If you’ve ever wanted to display your latest Twitter tweets on a website, here is method to do that using PHP.
0 1097 posted 13 years ago by i-am-andy
0 792 posted 13 years ago by yigidix
A simple script to show a followers list in Wordpress. (It can be used in other places also, you have to change the WP specific variables). The script needs to create a cache file to not overload Twitter API.
0 952 posted 13 years ago by jhonqwerty
This is a very rudimentary function used to convert a Datetime delivered by the Twitter API to a format you can store in MySQL's datetime field.
0 1609 posted 13 years ago by aristoworks
Share current page on Facebook wall or Twitter
1 875 posted 13 years ago by pratheep
0 930 posted 13 years ago by davebowker
Authenticating against Twitter within a Flex Mobile View. I do all of it within a StageWebView window so I can have them type the pin into the app while seeing it.
0 903 posted 13 years ago by ryanstewart
[Query related to PHP code to save tweets from the twitter search API to a MySQL database](http://snipplr.com/view/56994/save-tweets-using-php-from-the-twitter-search-api-to-a-mysql-database/ "PHP code to save tweets from the twitter search API to a...
0 1572 posted 13 years ago by eddequincey
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