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Override yii's jquery files and load your own.
0 1036 posted 9 years ago by federaik_
JavaScript Google Enabler. This code should be placed in all html creatives for Google DoubleClick Studio.
0 1429 posted 10 years ago by RodolfoMiranda
Magento Social Login extension allows Customers to log in to your site using their accounts of various popular networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter.
0 1285 posted 10 years ago by steelgray9
Delete all sheets in a Google Drive Spreadsheet by name/active spreadsheet
0 924 posted 10 years ago by slvakumr
Check if a file exists in Google Drive
0 1298 posted 10 years ago by slvakumr
Returns the Mime Types of documents used by google
0 937 posted 10 years ago by slvakumr
Simulates a click on a page with the name you put in the parameter in the onclick function.
1 1400 posted 11 years ago by Reiff
Get google pagerank of websites
0 889 posted 11 years ago by melisayves
0 1427 posted 11 years ago by MistaTwista
This will calculate the ticks for google charts so that you can have a chart with a defined height, and still represent large data ranges with out all the vertical information getting bunched up together.
0 866 posted 11 years ago by uberdragon
* Used to create markers based solely on latitude and longitude * Replace the existing mainPoints() function in map-functions.js
0 957 posted 11 years ago by tymartist
Magento Google maps extension allows visitors to track the nearest physical store and get the directions online. It is a useful extension for e-merchants having multiple stores on different locations. The customers can also search for the store by t...
0 987 posted 11 years ago by simonwalker
Breaks up an address (in this case returned by Advanced Custom Fields Location plugin) into it's components. Additionally, sorts a multidimensional array of locations alphabetically by state. This works for basic addresses assuming that address is in...
1 962 posted 11 years ago by devowhippit
Web aplikacija generira slučajne registracijske oznake za grad Zagreb u odabranom formatu. Ispisuje se i broj mogućih različitih registracijskih tablica za taj format.
0 880 posted 12 years ago by DSTG_Kwan
Google Maps iFrame after removal of callout
0 1873 posted 12 years ago by ecksteing
Example of Google Maps iFrame
0 1157 posted 12 years ago by ecksteing
remove bubble from google map
0 966 posted 12 years ago by thesmu
A quick note added in February 2011. Google has now removed the iwloc part of the url in most cases. To remove the pin, you can now add &amp;iwloc=near to the end of the iframe src attribute. So…. <iframe></iframe> …would become… <ifra...
0 858 posted 12 years ago by thesmu
This javascript will create a complex google javascript map with multiple locations selected marked. The map will be centered in the middle and zoomed so that all point can be seen. It also stylizes the map making it mostly desaturated with bits of o...
0 1417 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
This javascript will create a google map on the div with the ID "the_map" and centered on an address with a marker on it. In this example the address is for Jet City Improv. More information on setup and customization at the link.
0 1227 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Below are several different types of google static maps. The first is a map with a single marker on the Space Needle. The second is one with 3 marks, one on the Space Needle, one on the Seattle Science Center, and One on the EMP Museum. The last...
0 1090 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Fooman GoogleAnalyticsPlus: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/fooman-googleanalyticsplus.html The key to seeing the different steps in your checkout is ensuring a page view is triggered each time one of the sections of the checkout i...
1 1266 posted 12 years ago by TheJasonParker
Make your spreadsheet public to get a key like this: 0AsfENoKj1ir7dE8yR6U0aUtpdTVNM20wRlNJOhZaclG Set it on the script and you're all done.
0 996 posted 12 years ago by Felladrin
This script was written to allow transposing of utm_campaign, utm_source and utm_medium query parameters from the URL of a landing page link to all of the links on that page that re-directed to the primary domain where users would actually convert. T...
0 860 posted 12 years ago by kynatro
This script was written to allow transposing of utm_campaign, utm_source and utm_medium query parameters from the URL of a landing page link to all of the links on that page that re-directed to the primary domain where users would actually convert. T...
0 865 posted 12 years ago by kynatro
interesting app: http://codecanyon.net/item/socialcounter-php-class-social-statistics/282826
0 831 posted 13 years ago by czachor
Coordinate su Gmaps
0 781 posted 13 years ago by kajinka13
The Google Closure lets you get DOM elements with getElement( id ) and getElementByClass( class ). This function combines the two to let you get elements similarly to the way jQuery does. E.g. getElement( '#home .sidebar #links') returns the elemen...
0 1211 posted 13 years ago by cjcenizal
This code snippet fetches the very latest minified version of jQuery from Google's CDN. If this is not available, we revert to a locally stored version (current version at time of publish was 1.7.1 - update this to suit going forward).
1 1135 posted 13 years ago by Huskie
Remove the info / address pop up on a google map embed code. Until last month: the iwloc parameter was responsible to GET the window opened or not the following way: It the parameter was missing by deafult the infow window was NOT opened. And...
0 1714 posted 13 years ago by i-am-andy
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