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Use to sort table columns by clicking on the table headings
0 13875 posted 5 years ago by jlustre
clone table with structure and indexes
0 1090 posted 9 years ago by ktrout
I thought I share this code snippet because I find this way of SMS sending an easy solution. I believe that even beginners can implement this VB.NET SQL SMS application, but I think some extent of perfection in the SMS technology is required for bett...
0 1619 posted 10 years ago by LoganTurn
Use PHP's DOM parser to convert a table into plain text (including links with images)
0 1845 posted 10 years ago by nigelnquande
Confirm the sql script file is encoded with `UTF-8`
0 1119 posted 10 years ago by jacktan
Vérifie si une checkbox a été cochée
0 1287 posted 10 years ago by Igeco
have to change this snippet in order to hide filtered rows. Not tried out yet, but works fine in the jsfiddle
0 1221 posted 10 years ago by bboydflo
I was studying Japanese adjectives and ye olde paper and pen wasn't enough so I made this. Basic as the basic can be
0 11021 posted 10 years ago by hamittou
Source creating a new database (and inserting some records)
0 1200 posted 11 years ago by ktrout
Snippet may be usefull for cloning table header to the bottom of table. Snippet will clone all children elements from thead, reverse and insert to tfoot. Example at jsFiddle: <a href="http://jsfiddle.net/xWWYN/">jsFiddle</a>
0 1458 posted 11 years ago by NeXTs
Spacing between thead and tbody
0 3404 posted 11 years ago by satie83
These 2 techniques can be used for alternating row-colors in a table.
0 1049 posted 12 years ago by apphp-snippets
These 2 techniques can be used for alternating row-colors in a table.
1 1175 posted 12 years ago by apphp-snippets
Uses the table display properties in div tags to merge the attributes of multiple tags.
0 1016 posted 12 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
table with image on one side, products info on the other. includes some CSS from Tablizer that has been modified.
0 934 posted 12 years ago by dcoxdesigns
Created by Quirol to avoid TOTAL errors
0 802 posted 12 years ago by mrtonix
You have a schedule table (period, day, subject, room) with a primary key period,day to avoid duplicate bookings. You wish to display the schedule as periods, subjects and rooms in rows, and days of the week in columns.
0 936 posted 12 years ago by cahyadsn
Example of SQL syntax to add a new column to an existing table, define a default value to the columns for the existing rows and also add a check constraint to limit the values that the column can hold.
0 1190 posted 12 years ago by denakitan
Let's say you want to show a list of employees, and you want to show 3 on each row, use the script below to accomplish that.
0 1190 posted 12 years ago by andreaskian
A bash command to empty a database table.
1 1039 posted 13 years ago by ModServ
Creates table structure for pitchfx data that is provided by mlb.com. Open PHP file and enter username and password for localhost. Feel free to customize to suit your preference.
0 968 posted 13 years ago by wa-rufio
Most popular languages on the web table (in order of popularity). Handy for auto complete fields and such.
0 1495 posted 13 years ago by Synnoid
The inner join could be nested too
0 1072 posted 13 years ago by preasha
This is a skeleton mock up for showing a database table in a basic datagrid with sorting and pagination.
0 1217 posted 13 years ago by brownrl
Here you see a example to make your table background color fdifferent at last
0 1068 posted 13 years ago by Darksider3
Refer to the following: http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/wpdb
0 1580 posted 13 years ago by redconservatory
This is probably buggy and certainly not the most efficient way to do it.
0 988 posted 13 years ago by MikeAcreman
0 1012 posted 13 years ago by dubogii
0 932 posted 13 years ago by dubogii
0 1015 posted 13 years ago by silentpro
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