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ginoplusio's Recent SnippetsTagged facebook

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I will show you how to crate an app for facebook to handle the facebook connect process on your web site. Then I will show you the php code to perform the login on facebook and retrieve the informations you need for your site. The last suggestion w...
0 939 posted 11 years ago by ginoplusio
When you add facebook like button to your site, probably, you also want to save the number of likes of your pages to your database.These data are very useful and very important because they tell you which of your articles are better than others. More...
0 1235 posted 11 years ago by ginoplusio
Changing Facebook Status with PHP, download the Mini Bot PHP class from the blog
1 1035 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
This is a tutorial I've found for integrate Facebook Connect function with your web community.
1 876 posted 14 years ago by ginoplusio
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