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With this snippet you will have the ability to display the `<DOCTYPE>` while sending the correct headers with support for content type negotiation. It also will correct itself for the W3C validator which does not send the correct Accept header for...
0 10702 posted 5 years ago by daemondevin
Convert easily XML File or String to Associative Array in PHP
0 1219 posted 8 years ago by kavikms
If you syndicate your content with an RSS feed it can help to drive additional traffic to the content pages.
0 957 posted 9 years ago by COBOLdinosaur
Note: change build Action of file to resource
0 843 posted 10 years ago by vhdm
Parse xml (passed as a parameter) in SQL
0 829 posted 10 years ago by rralhan
Example of JAXB-annotated POGO, marshalled and unmarshalled via static methods of JAXB object.
0 1328 posted 10 years ago by alces
Mail merge allows you to produce document (potentially large numbers of documents) from a single template and a structured data source. The letter may be sent out to many recipients with small changes, such as a change of address or a change in the g...
0 1251 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
This technical tip shows how .NET developers can export Microsoft Visio diagram to XML inside their own applications using Aspose.Diagram for .NET. Aspose.Diagram for .NET lets you export diagrams to a variety of formats: image formats, HTML, SVG, SW...
0 1607 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
Stores country name code and capital in an array and returns it. (not completed)
0 758 posted 10 years ago by bluesh34
Simple C# library that can be used to test xml. Test rules are defined in the form of xml file.
0 740 posted 10 years ago by ashvin8085hotmail
Loads an XML file and iterates through its nodes. Uses Sample XML file from [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms762271(v=vs.85).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms762271(v=vs.85).aspx) ` <?xml> <catalog> <book>...
0 968 posted 10 years ago by telltec
XmlDocument will not behave when you try to CreateCDataSection passing it a string that contains "]]>" This extension method returns an array of XmlCDataSection, each of which will contain the parts separated by "]]" and ">". Example: For the s...
0 1019 posted 11 years ago by thedark
Ektron smartform data contains a xml nodelist which I put in a data table and parse out into an html table
0 1025 posted 11 years ago by dego89
This snippet is a lambda function (anonymous function) to create an xml from an array. It uses recursiveness.
1 1001 posted 11 years ago by abrahamsustaita
Reading xml from file and create XElement from string
0 1062 posted 11 years ago by samilce
This code shows how to parse XML file in easy way using PHP.
0 941 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
For some reason tidy inserts new lines before/after <![CDATA[ content in XML files. Since I like the benefits of a reformatted, readable XML... ... i run tidy first, then remove the spaces before/after the CDATA block:
0 989 posted 11 years ago by iroybot
A simple code to read/write an XML file by using Cakephp 1.3.
0 1014 posted 12 years ago by tucq88
0 978 posted 12 years ago by l01241
The program uses the XML LIBNAME engine, FILENAME URL, SGPLOT procedure, and a simple PROC PRINT to create a report of recent Twitter activity around a specified hashtag.
0 994 posted 12 years ago by webonomic
Again, A-B-C. All the Behaviour garbage that "Add Service Reference" inserts for the TCP binding is unnecessary, especially if the Operation Contract is only for simple value types.
0 895 posted 12 years ago by rengber
ABC - Address Binding Contract Note that the Service Name and Contract must match a real live type (case Sensitive) Binding name is also case sensitive.
0 883 posted 12 years ago by rengber
TimedText (TT) XML captions files can have namespaces that cause problems when parsing them in AS3. To get around this you can use this code to remove the namespace from the root XML node using Regex. This example uses
0 1013 posted 12 years ago by adrianparr
Open PHP file and enter User Credentials for localhost. The default dates are set to negotiate the 2011 season, but change the date variables to match your desired season data. The start date should be the day before opening day, and the end date t...
0 866 posted 12 years ago by wa-rufio
Replace the normal <image...> XML with the following code (be sure to adjust the width and height accordingly):
0 1831 posted 12 years ago by wnasich
Snippet for getting the layout handles in Magento on each request, helpful for front-end developers.
1 908 posted 12 years ago by zoranmk
Snippet for logging down all of the layout updates loaded on each request in Magento.
1 932 posted 12 years ago by zoranmk
0 1750 posted 12 years ago by focal55
A pair of handy terminal commands for converting Apple .plist preference files from binary to XML format [allowing for easy editing with a text editor] and then back to binary again, afterwards.
0 1302 posted 12 years ago by stiobhart
Checks for image files in directory and creates a XML file of the contents
0 934 posted 12 years ago by Don_Jarmo
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