
Member since 01/16/2007

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Location: Los Angeles


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chrisaiv's Recent Snippets

I suspect this boilerplate code will continue to evolve while I settle in on my favorite libraries and frameworks but
6 1290 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Very cool example of copying a frame from an MP4 and displaying it on the canvas or image. In order for images to be saved, the video must come from the same domain
0 4613 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
I started messing around with the API and somehow just started building more and more service requests. This should be enough to get anyone started on using Last.FM's API
0 1096 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Recently I needed to capture a JSON feed of the top artists from The script makes a request for a JSON response which I later treat as a dictionary object. You'll probably need to sign up for an API Key before using this script
0 1014 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Simple test showing how to make a request to Spotify's API.
2 1044 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
The Blackberry AppWorld portal allows you to schedule reports which are delivered as files. Although the CSV file offers a lot of detail about operating system and date of download, most of the time I just want to know which users downloaded...
0 901 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
If you need to do any sort of screen capturing using FFMPEG, you might need this one day
0 902 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Need to check if your device is online before sending/getting a request? Here's how.
0 640 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
There are roughly three ways to do this: programatically, through stylesheets, or through the Anroid manifest.
0 844 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
This is part of a much larger class but I wanted to give enough context to explain the value of GeoCoder. GeoCoder has two methods called getFromLocation() and getFromLocationName() that allow you to capture an address or coordinates.
1 781 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
This two liner is powerful. It shows you how to find images on a page based on the source (src) and replace them with another image.
0 795 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
I always have trouble preparing JSON to work nicely with as3corelib. Here's an example of what I do whenever the array I'm looking for is nested within more JSON. This really isn't for anyone other than myself.
0 718 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
I love this script. It's perfect for anyone trying to transforms headlines into some sort of Title Case format without using CSS
0 797 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
This simple example will access your GeoLocation on mobile Safari and place a marker using Google Maps.
3 966 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
This mini experiment simply shows how to create a static Google Map with a Marker based on a user's Geo Location. This was designed specifically for Safari Mobile
4 1785 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
Adobe AIR 2.6 was just released and it includes a couple of new features for iOS such as camera, video, and keyboard support but for now, you'll need to compile using command-line ADT. Here's a simple example showing you how to compile in test-mode...
0 1098 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
If you are trying to solving one or both of these problems: + If the window is resized to a smaller size that was designed for - a scrollbar would be nice. + If the content is larger than the original design - a scrollbar would be nice Then use...
1 733 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
I needed a way to talk to Google Calendars. here's how I was able to create a RFC 3339 timestamp
0 964 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
0 969 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
You did a checkout when you really wanted to do an export. Now there are tons of .svn folders in your project, and you need them to go away. Shell scripting to the rescue.
0 1060 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
Easy way to populate a drop-down menu
3 924 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
I found this awesome function that allows you to easily remove duplicate values.
4 1618 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
3 1034 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
Handy Date/Time converter: Convert Date Object to MySQL date format, Translate minutes into an English phrase, Convert MySQL date to Actionscript Date object, Get Day name from Date, Get name of Month from a Date Object, Input the seconds and return...
1 1222 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
I found this awesome class by [email protected] and can't help but share it.
1 946 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
See the contents within a directory and print them out.
0 783 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
Handy function that allows you get some data on a file
0 751 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
Here are a few examples that show how the relationship between objects and references
0 703 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
Dates and Time are always important to understand in any language. PHP has some rockin' functions but here are a few that I use the most.
0 812 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv
0 746 posted 14 years ago by chrisaiv