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Always gives me perfect date. Sample Output Current Day is: 1 Current Month is: 2 Current Year is: 2020 Current Hour is: 17 Current Minute is: 3 Current Second is: 8 Current Microsecond is: 556483
2 16110 posted 5 years ago by johnwalsh1
Clone any Github user's collection of public repositories
0 12860 posted 5 years ago by rootVIII
Useful for debugging
0 1245 posted 5 years ago by wayneweicheng
 Just try the following Python Sample SMS Code scripts and you will find that sending SMS to your contact via this programming script is fun! 
1 1628 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
Calculates the lcm of 2 or more numbers (based on a self-made algorithm)
0 1084 posted 8 years ago by amirteymuri
Used to convert lists to string
0 1332 posted 8 years ago by onlyforbopi
arr[::-1] does a list slice to reverse the array str(x) for x in arr[::-1] casts the ints in the array as strings map(str, arr[::-1]) does the same thing by using map to cast the ints " ".join() joins the resulting strings with a space
1 1302 posted 8 years ago by denisemauldin
Display the google chrome bookmarks to html and then save to database.
1 1864 posted 9 years ago by Gauravwagh11
One day I got to wondering if it was possible to get a Python script to modify itself. After a few searches I found a solution that I present here. I did not write this code, but feel that it should be "paid forward" so others know that it is possibl...
1 1283 posted 9 years ago by BustACode
A simple Python censor script that takes 2 arguments. One is for the text you want to censor and the other is the list of words that should not be viewed.
0 1040 posted 9 years ago by arielinfante
Overview In an earlier post "OS.walk in Python", I described how to use os.walk and showed some examples on how to use it in scripts. In this article, I will show how to use the os.walk() module function to walk a directory tree, and the fnma...
1 1225 posted 10 years ago by tionazo
Get all links from a website from: http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/code/regular-expression-re-findall
0 2307 posted 10 years ago by tionazo
Flatten a list of lists (or tuple of tuples, list of tuples, etc.) to any depth of nesting using no mutable objects.
1 1497 posted 10 years ago by alces
What kind of program is this?
0 973 posted 10 years ago by lancer229
Usage: 1. save the snippet as *fabfile.py* 2. and run: **$ fab -H myhost1,myhost2...** or set *env.roledefs['myrole'] = ['myhost1', 'myhost2', ...]* in *fabfile.py* and run this way: **$ fab -R myrole**
0 1250 posted 10 years ago by alces
his simple patch solves the problem when building on windows with usernames with non-ascii letters.
0 1189 posted 10 years ago by composite
for Cron: # run $ crontab -e # then add this */1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0.0 && /home/username/path/to/script.py > /dev/null # then save. # This cron job will run every minute
0 1165 posted 10 years ago by pantuts
Tiny python closure for combining redis keys with "format". Uses a closure so it does not remake the base key each use.
0 988 posted 10 years ago by dsonbill
Gets system, machine, OS and networking information and either writes it to a file or returns the data as a string.
1 1117 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
This REST example uses pycurl library to send HTTP request and handle HTTP response so you need to install it to use this example. Once input Word documents are uploaded, you can use the following URI to merge documents on Aspose for Cloud or any sup...
0 1408 posted 11 years ago by johansonkatherine
to open and read a random wikipedia article
0 972 posted 11 years ago by naveenrn
This file starts at the bottom of the tree and recursively moves all of the files from that tree into another folder. To avoid overwriting files I prepended all of the files with a 9digit number.
0 1015 posted 11 years ago by jlmarks
' ' ' 1, Create your cex.io account from https://cex.io/r/0/rbillig/0/ ( mandatory ) ' 2, Tranfer Bitcoins to you account ' 3, Under your CEX account, create a public and secret key ' 4, Modify the 3 vars below ( G_USERNAME, G_APIKEY...
0 1793 posted 11 years ago by rbillig
Code for single threaded python web server
0 1118 posted 11 years ago by ronaklovespython
with layer set prefix option and custom output path
0 1090 posted 11 years ago by janusoo
Photoshop python script export multiple files with each layerSet
0 1309 posted 11 years ago by janusoo
Crea oraciones aleatoriamente a partir de lo que se ponga en las listas part1, part2 y part3
1 1159 posted 11 years ago by a7xrturo
Hacer un pentágono con Turtle
0 1526 posted 11 years ago by a7xrturo
Cuenta vocales en la input.
0 1677 posted 11 years ago by a7xrturo
Contador de palabras en la input.
0 918 posted 11 years ago by a7xrturo
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