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Useful for building nested entries checkboxes etc
0 782 posted 9 years ago by davidb
This technical tip shows how developers can convert email messages to other formats like EML, MSG & MHT in cloud using ruby language.
0 1139 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
This code sample shows how Java developers can create PDF file from HTML using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API in their REST applications.
0 1511 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
This code sample shows how C# developers can create PDF file from HTML using Aspose.Pdf for Cloud API in their REST applications.
0 1916 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
A very concise ruby on rails helper method that converts seconds into human readable format. It will not display any time periods that have 0 (ie: 1 hour 13 seconds - skipping minutes as there were none) Due to complexity, months were not factored...
0 1514 posted 10 years ago by uberdragon
I had a spreadsheet with a ton of data on it that I wanted in my seeds file. Using example columns in your database titled db_column1, db_column2, db_column3. Place your .xls file into your public folder and run 'gem install roo'
0 802 posted 10 years ago by asalgan
To be improved to work with fasterCSV
0 1046 posted 10 years ago by legrandkay
If you're using Rails and want to make this a global function, drop this into your application_controller and call it as a function. Example: # get_string_between("hellomyfriendmoto", 'o', 'm') # > myfriend
0 1284 posted 11 years ago by joshmn
0 804 posted 11 years ago by zhaowu
Supported brands name | key ----------------------- American Express | :amex China UnionPay | :unionpay Diners Club | :diners Dinner Club US | :diners_us Discover | :discover...
0 1984 posted 11 years ago by Fivell
Working on the problem described here: http://forums.att.com/t5/Data-Messaging-Features-Internet/3G-proxy-wnsnet-attws-com-strips-HTTP-response-headers/m-p/3294533/highlight/false#M59737 After some testing we found the below code to fix our troubl...
0 887 posted 11 years ago by mightybs
Use this Gem to programmatically take screenshots of websites with this completely open source and free library. We have also provided easy to follow online tutorials and sample applications to help you set up GrabzIt as quickly as possible. First...
1 1067 posted 11 years ago by Maximus1983
Esto suele ocurrer muy amenudo cuando instalamos Ruby on Rails antes que MySQL. Es un error "Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib (LoadError)" donde lista los directorios donde busca y no lo encuentra. La solución es guiarle para que lo encue...
0 805 posted 12 years ago by skozz
Simple test showing how to make a request to Spotify's API.
2 972 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Checks to make sure the file is a valid image file, checks max file size, and directory write permissions, requires 'fileutils' gem.
2 975 posted 12 years ago by kellishaver
An example method for fetching remote JSON data in Ruby.
2 1015 posted 12 years ago by vestimir
The Blackberry AppWorld portal allows you to schedule reports which are delivered as CSV.zip files. Although the CSV file offers a lot of detail about operating system and date of download, most of the time I just want to know which users downloaded...
0 834 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
Works fine for MacRuby applications
0 899 posted 12 years ago by iloveitaly
If you need to do any sort of screen capturing using FFMPEG, you might need this one day
0 844 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
From the Pickaxe, 4th edition, p. 352: A rescue clause with no parameter is treated as if it had a parameter of StandardError. This means that some lower-level exceptions will not be caught by a parameterless rescue class. If you want to rescue ev...
1 689 posted 12 years ago by cczona
0 869 posted 12 years ago by abstraktor
Shows how to read/write fully formatted CSV with Ruby
1 1323 posted 12 years ago by m1b
Do a remote search for all gems containing the word 'pdf' with detailed descriptions and view results in textmate requires `rubygems-mate` gem
0 1119 posted 12 years ago by inkdeep
0 880 posted 12 years ago by inkdeep
0 824 posted 12 years ago by inkdeep
0 931 posted 13 years ago by solhelios
para sumar tres numbres
0 835 posted 13 years ago by solhelios
pasa euros a pesetas
0 801 posted 13 years ago by solhelios
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