/ Published in: Ruby

The Blackberry AppWorld portal allows you to schedule reports which are delivered as CSV.zip files. Although the CSV file offers a lot of detail about operating system and date of download, most of the time I just want to know which users downloaded the app from which countries. So usually I choose "Country, then date", unpack the .zip and run this (verbose) ruby script.
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require 'fileutils' require 'date' require 'rubygems' #sudo gem install excelsior #sudo gem update excelsior require 'excelsior' class CSVToTxtUtil INPUT_NAME = "DOWNLOADS-for-19-Apr-2011-to-08-Nov-2011.csv" OUTPUT_NAME = "BB_Playbook_Downloads_" + Date.today.to_s + ".txt" COLUMN_NUM_FOR_COUNTRY= 8; def initialize rows = read_csv( INPUT_NAME ) generate_xml( rows ); end def read_csv( file ) rows = Array.new Excelsior::Reader.rows( File.open( file , 'r') ) do |row| rows << row end return rows end def generate_xml( array ) output = File.new( OUTPUT_NAME, "w") ## # Data Pertinent to JSON file ## country = '' count = 0 node = "" array.length.times do |i| begin if country != array[i][COLUMN_NUM_FOR_COUNTRY].strip!.to_s if i > 1 node = "Country:\"#{country}\", Downloads:#{count.to_s}" #Verbose Output puts node #Write to Text File output.puts node end country = array[i][COLUMN_NUM_FOR_COUNTRY].to_s count = 0 end rescue Exception=>e puts "\n\t\tError: " + e.to_s + "\n\n" end count = count + 1 #puts i.to_s + " : " + count.to_s end node = "Country:\"#{country}\", Downloads: #{count.to_s} " puts node output.puts node end end CSVToTxtUtil.new
URL: https://appworld.blackberry.com/isvportal/downloadreports/schedule.seam