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I started messing around with the Last.fm API and somehow just started building more and more service requests. This should be enough to get anyone started on using Last.FM's API
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# # http://www.last.fm/api/show/geo.getTopTracks # from pprint import pprint import urllib, urllib2 import inspect try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json class LastFM: def __init__(self ): self.API_URL = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/" self.API_KEY = "LAST_FM_API_KEY" def send_request(self, args, **kwargs): #Request specific args kwargs.update( args ) #Global args kwargs.update({ "api_key": self.API_KEY, "format": "json" }) try: #Create an API Request url = self.API_URL + "?" + urllib.urlencode(kwargs) #Send Request and Collect it data = urllib2.urlopen( url ) #Print it response_data = json.load( data ) #Close connection data.close() return response_data except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print "HTTP error: %d" % e.code except urllib2.URLError, e: print "Network error: %s" % e.reason.args[1] def get_top_artists(self, method, dict ): #find the key args = { "method": method, "limit": 3 } for key in dict.keys(): args[key] = dict[key] response_data = self.send_request( args ) print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + str( args["method"] ) + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" #Get the first artist from the JSON response and print their name for artist in response_data["topartists"]["artist"]: print artist["name"] def get_hyped_artists(self, method ): args = { "method": method, "limit": 3 } response_data = self.send_request( args ) print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + str( args["method"] ) +"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" #Get the first artist from the JSON response and print their name for artist in response_data["artists"]["artist"]: print artist["name"] def get_similar_tracks(self, method, dict ): args = { "method": method, "limit": 3 } for key in dict.keys(): args[key] = dict[key] print key, dict[key] response_data = self.send_request( args ) print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + str( args["method"] ) +"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" #Get the first artist from the JSON response and print their name for artist in response_data["similartracks"]["track"]: print artist["name"], artist["artist"]["name"] def main(): last_request = LastFM() last_request.get_top_artists( "tag.gettopartists", { "tag": "rock" } ) last_request.get_top_artists( "geo.gettopartists", { "country": "spain" } ) last_request.get_hyped_artists( "chart.getHypedArtists" ) last_request.get_similar_tracks( "track.getsimilar", { "track": "Ray of Light", "artist": "Madonna"}) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
URL: http://www.last.fm/api/show/geo.getTopTracks