
Member since 01/16/2007

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Location: Los Angeles


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chrisaiv's Recent Snippets

0 959 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
Don't forget to use require 'directory/name_of_class'
0 1556 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
Ruby provides a platform independent way of displaying file paths. Here are a few common ways to show absolute and relative paths.
0 962 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
Lee Brimelow show's how to smooth an image that is loading from Flickr.
1 863 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
This shows how we can find objects inside code blocks (aka data sets).
0 1293 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
I needed a way to show "US States" element whenever the user selected "United States" as their country. Here's a live demo:
0 1150 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
For those of us still using Flex Builder 3, every time we create a new project, we usually need to right-click the Project and add a parameter called -default-background-color=0xffffff into the compiler settings. An easier solution is to create an X...
1 957 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
Here are a few examples on how to use Lists and Dictionaries in Python. It's by no means exhaustive, just a quick reference.
0 873 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
How to concatenate lists, add an item to a list, slice an item from a list.
0 809 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
I was asked to add Recaptcha' to an already existing form. I didn't want to interfere with the code so I decided to search for some sort of AJAX solution. Here's my implementation of This form needs to have a form with <fo...
1 1665 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
0 739 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
0 1262 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
The Drupal website will be updated every 45 minutes after the hour.
2 834 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
There are 3 different ways to use Item Renderers.
0 1090 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Simple Javascript that will get a feed and parse it using Ajax
2 1076 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
AJAX by default only lets you play within your own but there are plenty of times where you want to use someone else's feed. Check out to understand the rest.
1 931 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Here's a simple example of how to parse RSS feeds using jQuery. You will need jFeed ( and a bit of help from PHP (
8 1178 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Simply create a new index.php and place this code within.
1 860 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Here is a basic example as to how to set up an Ajax request.
4 1414 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
I find these Joomla snippets to be useful when constructing a new template.
4 1015 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Here's how I was able to capture the HREF of a page using actionscript
3 848 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
You will need to download a few things to easily create rounded corners. They are jQuery ( and the jQuery rounded corners plug-in (
14 1245 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
I needed a quick way to unescape a URL Encoded string. I found 2 chill ways
2 880 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
1 858 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv
Simply open up terminal and run these commands one at a time. You may need sudo or root access.
0 904 posted 16 years ago by chrisaiv