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<?php echo "<br /><br />"; //Remove the first element out of the array echo "a: " . $a . "<br />"; echo "<br /><br />"; //Re-insert an element to the beginning of an array echo "b: " . $b . "<br />"; echo "<br /><br />"; //Remove the last element from an array echo "c: " . $c . "<br />"; echo "<br /><br />"; //Re-insert an element to the end of an array echo "d: " . $d . "<br />"; echo "<br /><br />"; //How many items are in the array //Maximum Value //Minimum Value //Sort from lowest to higest //Sort from highest to lowest echo "<br /><br />"; echo "Implode: " . $implode . "<br /><br />"; //Take the String, find the delimiter, then turn it into an array ?>