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The following example of iOS Phone sample SMS code employs user-friendly object, with a basis on the HTTP API.
0 1275 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
The following example of iOS Phone sample SMS code employs user-friendly object, with a basis on the HTTP API.
0 1280 posted 7 years ago by Broadnet
0 1401 posted 9 years ago by chrisaiv
This snippet is used to covert any date to days like today, tomorrow, 2 days ago, 2 weeks ago or even 1 years ago.
0 1454 posted 9 years ago by dipenpatel
Get Documents directory path in Swift
0 1203 posted 9 years ago by ryantxr
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to build an HTML5-based mobile web app by means of Webix library (open source, GPL) and PhoneGap framework. As a result you’ll get an awesome native app for Android devices with rich UI and high performance.
0 1408 posted 10 years ago by kengajunior
Place this in your <head> section, and set the href attribute to an image to a 57px x 57px PNG file.
0 1084 posted 10 years ago by ajarkovsky
This snippet shows you how to reload the UIAppearance of an application after changes made on the proxies. This is required because iOS nativaly only load appearance proxies on "applicationDidFinishLaunching".
0 2062 posted 10 years ago by Nibli
- I have not tested on android - This is not animated as I did not need it for my needs. To make it animated, look at the second to last line in the function `layer3.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(angle);` You should be able to animate th...
0 1219 posted 11 years ago by rondog
enqueue a block at a certain time
0 1277 posted 11 years ago by yannxou
Insert our text in IOS UIView with UILabel on screen
0 1141 posted 11 years ago by ferlom
Call this method to set the intervals for a UISlider in Monotouch. You can remove the textbox parameter if you don't have them linked to sliders.
0 641 posted 11 years ago by negzero7
This is all about appending strings.
0 1475 posted 11 years ago by ryantxr
This is a simple fix for the iOS zoom bug that happens when changing screen orientations.
0 1000 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Add the init() function to your document.ready call. This allows touch events to be handled like click events.
0 1004 posted 12 years ago by bitsculptor
iOS Meta-Tag um das skalieren des Contents zu sperren!
0 839 posted 12 years ago by dejot
pass a variable from web site (in php, in this case) to iOS app.
0 1257 posted 12 years ago by code4mac
This method will alloc the current class unless the device is a phone (also defined here). Then it will try to alloc the class with the suffix "Phone."
0 1163 posted 12 years ago by yar
Create a UIButton programatically
1 1279 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
The UISegmentedControl consists of a horizontal control divided into segments. Segmented controls are useful for allowing users to pick from a group or set of values. Each segment functions as its own button. By default, selecting a segment will d...
1 1371 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
When performing tasks that may take some time, you often need to provide some kind of visual feedback to your users. If you know how long the task will take to complete, you can use a progress indicator to show the user how much of the task has been...
1 981 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
Reference: http://iosfonts.com/
1 1943 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
A sample code to show the scrolling, panning and zooming with UIScrollView
1 1471 posted 12 years ago by zopebie
HTML Snippet for apple-touch-icon for all of the different iOS devices, and Android 2.0 supported Icon.
0 1208 posted 13 years ago by luizlopes
Extract groups from a Regular Expression
0 1512 posted 13 years ago by BenClayton
Force NSLocalizedString to use a specific language
1 1072 posted 13 years ago by kajinka13
Mantenere in background (musica, location)
0 824 posted 13 years ago by kajinka13
Create custom web clip icons or "app logos" in various sizes to be displayed (instead of the default site snapshot) when users save your site to their Home screens. Across Safari iOS devices. Add in the <head> in the same place you call your norm...
0 1046 posted 13 years ago by beneberle
This function will detect the orientation (portrait/landscape) of an iOS device and set the body class to either portrait or landscape, as well as providing a global variable for use elsewhere in your JS. If you require multiple classes on your bo...
3 1165 posted 13 years ago by iridium
Here is a nice function you can use to implement a custom background for your UINavigation Bars Simply make two images in photoshop: 32 x 32 44 x 44 and name them whatever you want. put them in your iPhone project by dragging and dro...
1 1178 posted 13 years ago by codeRefiner
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