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Function for obfuscate Text in html pages. good for making screenshot and mind data protection if needed. changes Text into many small divs with different bgcolor.
0 11747 posted 4 years ago by PietKeizer
Hey guys, Sharing my diggernaut's scripts for web scraping, hope it will be useful for you. This is script for scraping user's accounts without logging in to instagram, so no risk. What you can get with it: all information about user (his full...
0 1040 posted 7 years ago by martinson
This is the basic code that you need to know to connect and list data with PDO. Don't use de old method (mysql_connect and mysqli_connect) to connect and interact with databases.
0 986 posted 9 years ago by snstro
Glavni program koji služi za izvedbu binarnoga stabla te rad sa funkcijama binarnoga stabla.
0 781 posted 9 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Zaglavlje sa funkcijama, izvedenih pomoću pokazivača, za rad sa binarnim stablom
0 728 posted 9 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Zaglavlje sa funkcijama, izvedenih pomoću polja, za rad sa binarnim stablom
0 805 posted 9 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Program za izvođenje općenitog stabla (prvo dijete - sljedeći brat) za 4. zadatak iz kolegija Strukture podataka
0 849 posted 9 years ago by ivan_uzarevic
Implementacija algoritma Binarno stablo pretraživanja.
0 779 posted 9 years ago by igotepava
Implementacija binarnog stabla pomoću pokazivača.
0 747 posted 9 years ago by igotepava
Implementacija binarnog stabla pomoću polja.
0 772 posted 9 years ago by igotepava
Implementacija ophodnje stabla: Inorder, Postorder, Preorder.
0 723 posted 9 years ago by igotepava
Implementacija općenitog stabla pomoću polja.
0 743 posted 9 years ago by igotepava
Utiliza os dados do site: http://www.portaltransparencia.gov.br/downloads/servidores.asp Escolha um mês e ano, baixe o .zip, descompacte e na pasta descompactada, execute.
0 789 posted 9 years ago by torresbernardo
These logging functions will be improved and added into the SocketServer_Server.py to log information from programs on machines on the same network, but not directly connected to each other.
0 905 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
Client code for sending information to the logging server.
0 785 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
A server that receives information from programs (Name, DateTime, LogType, Data) and writes it to a file with the syntax: LogFile_{program_name}_{ISO-Date}.log
0 802 posted 10 years ago by JordanRowles
This code demonstrates how to create and parse the JSON data format of using array of PHP. It's a very simple code, that allows you to perform this task.
0 964 posted 10 years ago by apphp-snippets
zadatak iz SP-a
0 716 posted 11 years ago by idurlen1
Glavno programsko rješenje zadatka izrade programa za evidenciju životinja u trgovini kućnim ljubimcima. Fakultet organizacije i informatike Varaždin Kolegij: Strukture podataka
0 743 posted 11 years ago by milan_pavlovic
With jQuery and SPServices, we have very powerful tools for accessing and manipulating Sharepoint data and precisiely contolling the presentation, entirely from the client side. But such solutions generally need to be either hard-coded into pages or...
0 1323 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
Abstract class from which other classes can be derived to handle database access and data retrieval. Constants for database connection (DB_DSN, DB_USERNAME, etc.) must be set in another php file (eg. config.php)
1 816 posted 12 years ago by osccar
Shows usage of the Python filter() function
0 899 posted 12 years ago by andrewjsledge
Here is a simple function that will return the path to the documents directory so you can store data in it later
1 1132 posted 12 years ago by codeRefiner
<h1>What it does</h1> <p>This snippet is used to pull data from one server to another. I primarily use it to get the latest data from our production to our development environments. The first part of the command is where the data is pulling from a...
1 865 posted 12 years ago by nedf23
This is a custom class for caching results through php's session. The class can be used to cache anything, but i use it to cache mysql results so i don't have to get all the time the results by querying MySQL (wich may take a long time, especialy if...
0 1043 posted 12 years ago by TimoZachi
Rescatamos los datos que pasamos por apprequest .
0 969 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
Rescato variables desde un iframe con $signed_request
0 851 posted 12 years ago by serialk89
For this to work you need the as3corelib classes from here ... https://github.com/mikechambers/as3corelib
0 2534 posted 13 years ago by adrianparr
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