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If you want to see this sight unfold right before your very eyes, then our Evening Desert Safari Tour is perfect for you. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to reach us. To make it convenient and accessible for our guests, we have p...
0 877 posted 6 years ago by desertsafaritoure
In my opinion, this is the best cross-browser method of clearing floated elements in a container. Remember to add .clear-fix{zoom:1;} to an IE specific stylesheet, otherwise IE 7 will complain.
0 675 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
when need to created a dom element repeatedly , use string concatenation to avoid for loop you can use repeat function from below.
0 726 posted 13 years ago by root_hacker
this is the way for toggling something on mouse hover in and out
0 894 posted 13 years ago by root_hacker
Centralizar menu sem usar width
0 725 posted 13 years ago by shadow_d2
I should've wrote this function a LONGGG time ago. foreach($myArray, function($k, $v){ console.log($k + " :: " + $v); });
3 769 posted 13 years ago by mattkenefick
This was taken out of a presentation by eZ systems on PHP Best Practices
0 650 posted 16 years ago by luizlopes
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