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%macro OpenExcelWorkbook(WorkBook); options noxwait noxsync nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; /* start excel 2007 */ data _null_; rc=system('start /min excel'); /* talk to DDE, no output data */ x=sleep(4); /*sleep for 4 secs*/ run; data _null_; x=sleep(2); /* wait 3 seconds for it to open */ run; filename DDEcmds dde "excel|system"; data _null_; /* talk to DDE, no output data */ x=sleep(5); /* wait 3 seconds for it to open */ file DDEcmds; put %unquote(%str(%'[open("&WorkBook.")]%')); /*put %unquote(%str(%'[workbook.activate("&WorkSheet.")]%'));*/ x=sleep(5); /* wait 3 seconds for it to open */ run; filename DDEcmds clear; options mprint mlogic symbolgen; %mend OpenExcelWorkbook; %macro ReadFromExcelTemplate(dsn,WorkBook,WorkSheet,StartRow,StartCol,EndRow,EndCol,header,maxcolwidth); options noxwait noxsync; /* nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen;*/ %let dlmr='09'x; %let numvars=%eval(&EndCol. - &StartCol. + 1); %if %lowcase(&header.) eq yes %then %do; /* Read the Header Info First */ FILENAME ReadHdr DDE "EXCEL|&WorkSheet.!R&StartRow.C&StartCol.:R&StartRow.C&EndCol." notab; DATA _null_; /* read in the name of the columns with the maxcolwidth */ length %do r=1 %to &numvars; ColName&r. $ &maxcolwidth. %end; ;; INFILE ReadHdr dlm=&dlmr. dsd missover; input %do s=1 %to &numvars; ColName&s. %end; ;; /* assign the colname1, colname2 etc macrovariables with the column names read from the file*/ %do t=1 %to &numvars; Call symput(compress('ColName'||&t),compress(ColName&t.)); %end; RUN; filename ReadHdr clear; %end; %else %do; /* assign the colname1, colname2 etc macrovariables with the col1 col2 names*/ DATA _null_; %do t=1 %to &numvars; Call symput(compress('ColName'||&t),compress("Col&t.")); %end; RUN; %end; %if %lowcase(&header.) eq yes %then %do; /* Build DDE FileName Statement to Point to the Right Location on the Excel Spreadsheet */ FILENAME ReadData DDE "EXCEL|&WorkSheet.!R%eval(&StartRow. + 1)C&StartCol.:R&EndRow.C&EndCol." notab; %end; %else %do; FILENAME ReadData DDE "EXCEL|&WorkSheet.!R&StartRow.C&StartCol.:R&EndRow.C&EndCol." notab; %end; DATA &dsn.; length %do p=1 %to &numvars; &&&ColName&p. $ &maxcolwidth. %end; ;; INFILE ReadData dlm=&dlmr. dsd missover; input %do q=1 %to &numvars; &&&ColName&q. %end; ;; run; filename ReadData clear; %mend ReadFromExcelTemplate; %macro JustCloseExcel; options noxwait noxsync nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen; filename DDEcmds dde "excel|system"; /* Save the Excel file and Quit Excel */ data _null_; file DDEcmds; x=sleep(5); put '[Quit()]'; run; filename DDEcmds clear; options mprint mlogic symbolgen; %mend JustCloseExcel; %OpenExcelWorkbook(C:\Names.xlsx); %ReadFromExcelTemplate(dsn1,C:\Names.xlsx,Sheet1,1,1,7,2,yes,15); %ReadFromExcelTemplate(dsn2,C:\Names.xlsx,Sheet1,1,1,5,2,no,15); %ReadFromExcelTemplate(dsn3,C:\Names.xlsx,Sheet1,10,1,14,2,yes,15); %ReadFromExcelTemplate(dsn4,C:\Names.xlsx,Sheet1,11,1,14,2,no,15); %JustCloseExcel;
URL: http://sastechies.blogspot.com/2010/10/sas-macros-to-read-data-from-ms-excel.html