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0 838 posted 13 years ago by magicrebirth
0 695 posted 13 years ago by aelien
Be sure to call the exact version desired or the script is only cached for one hour! http://encosia.com/2009/10/11/do-you-know-about-this-undocumented-google-cdn-feature/
1 770 posted 13 years ago by housecor
Learn how to test for CSS property support in specific browsers using this simple Javascript technique.
1 652 posted 13 years ago by neal_grosskopf
This refers to Ext JS version 3 !
0 1175 posted 13 years ago by jvandemerwe
Get the latest 5 titles from the Tumblr API using jquery
0 794 posted 13 years ago by morningcatmedia
2 747 posted 13 years ago by nveselinov
0 591 posted 13 years ago by virua
1 418 posted 13 years ago by rebel2000
We set up a voting page, where supporters would choose one of three candidates (only two are shown in the snippet). By clicking the checkbox, the supporter would add themselves to a Salsa group. This way only one vote for a candidate by a supporter w...
0 611 posted 13 years ago by powerthru
this is a way to deal with the fact that we can\'t reliably make checkboxes look larger on forms. So instead, we surround the form with a colored div, and set it up so that when the user clicks on the label next to the checkbox it checks the box.
0 714 posted 13 years ago by powerthru
Simply pass in array name and the value of the item you want to remove
1 833 posted 13 years ago by myke
Code in single.php, loop.php, index.php, page.php, category.php, und archive.php , innerhalb des loops einfügen.
0 709 posted 13 years ago by PM-Webdesign
Was using this to disable certain js functionality as it wasnt working on apple\'s webkit
2 811 posted 13 years ago by thiswayup
In regards to progressive enhancement, see also the [jQuery version](http://snipplr.com/view/48275/default-value-for-input-fields-jquery-version/).
6 829 posted 13 years ago by riddla
1 508 posted 13 years ago by spraitas
1 656 posted 13 years ago by ddavidd
Just a fun and silly way to asynchronously update tweets about Justin Bieber.
3 857 posted 13 years ago by Nettuts
The following JavaScript will validate an email address using strict rules when a form is submitted.
0 742 posted 13 years ago by jprochazka
The following JavaScript will validate if a 10 digit phone number was supplied once the form is submitted.
0 605 posted 13 years ago by jprochazka
pass in 2 json objects returns an array of all differences included those nested in children. _Q used internally to pass through to self, do not pass in _Q
0 885 posted 13 years ago by tennison
1 715 posted 13 years ago by theasta
This code is pretty simple but massively useful. You can select any number of elements on the stage in Flash, then run this JSFL Command and it will round their x and y values to the nearest whole number. It's very handy when you want things to be on...
1 747 posted 13 years ago by jknight42
check the original blogpost for more how-to examples
0 815 posted 13 years ago by magicrebirth
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