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Hello Guys, This short ASP.NET code snippet is intended to provide you a brief review on how to add SMS functionality to your website. You will see, this is a very simple but smart solution. This ASP.NET application is able to send messages by usi...
0 1444 posted 10 years ago by Gupta86
Hey Guys, This is a short and straightforward article (or let’s say „tip” or „mini-review”) that presents how to send SMS messages from your own C++ (Cpp / C plus plus) application through HTTP. You will see, it is gonna be really easy....
0 2263 posted 10 years ago by Gupta86
Make a simple XHR Request: get(url, function(resp)(){ window.alert(resp); }); Source is minified.
0 1052 posted 10 years ago by geneticcode
A pretty simple example, that always replies 'Hello World!!' to the browser. The raw ROUTER socket is listening on tcp port 8080, so any browser that sends a request on port 8080 of localhost, will get back the response. The internal NanoMsg communic...
0 1066 posted 10 years ago by my-classes
Write request data to a log file
0 1093 posted 11 years ago by dmertl
A simple http server, from java JDK.
0 992 posted 11 years ago by alexedy
Allows to perform PHP redirection (must be placed before any browser output).
0 848 posted 12 years ago by apphp-snippets
thanks to... http://gskinner.com/RegExr/ http://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls
1 2559 posted 12 years ago by brandonjp
HTTP headers to disable caching.
1 1081 posted 12 years ago by ryantxr
This 'Check if HTTPS is on in PHP' script accounts for servers which set HTTPS differently. Some servers do not set HTTPS, others set it to 'off', etc. Only checking if HTTPS is on will cause an 'undefined index error' in these cases.
0 1114 posted 13 years ago by kf0l
Downloads contents as a byte array or string, depending on need.
0 965 posted 13 years ago by dkirkland
Rrewrite "www.domain.com -> domain.com" and viceversa
1 2541 posted 13 years ago by macodev
It seems that Starbucks allows it's internal systems to share the same network as their free WiFi...
0 979 posted 13 years ago by s3xym4n
This snippet will send an HTTP POST from an Arduino using the WiFly library. The library is in early alpha, and is a port from the ethernet shield library. The code here should work with either. The critical part is the size of the data to send, a...
0 1270 posted 13 years ago by parkerkrhoyt
A very simple HTTP Server written in Python out of boredom. USAGE : 1 . Create a htdocs folder in the directory of this script 2 . create an index.html file and you are good to go. This works with multiple pages however index.html is...
0 890 posted 13 years ago by Affix
takes a url and appends http to it if http is not present
0 854 posted 14 years ago by vonlof
0 846 posted 14 years ago by Mazzaroth
1 1094 posted 14 years ago by mfigge
Feel free to use this class however you'd like
0 998 posted 14 years ago by jschilling
1 827 posted 14 years ago by ddavidd
Required libraries: http://hc.apache.org/downloads.cgi
0 795 posted 14 years ago by cha0s
Quick and easy way to determine if the HTTP request is an AJAX call or a standard call. Supports the notion of Unobtrusive JavaScript.
3 1324 posted 14 years ago by joshuascott94
1 959 posted 14 years ago by 3k-
0 923 posted 14 years ago by viatropos
JQ - detect users browser language using http headers via ajax jsonp ajaxhttpheaders
1 3258 posted 14 years ago by brandonjp
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