
Member since 10/11/2010

Website: www.powerthruconsulting.com

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sometimes we botch an import, and end up with return or newline characters in the field. So fields which should be empty have \r in them, or fields with text data have an invisible trailing newline. This makes it impossible to match the text values....
0 816 posted 14 years ago by powerthru
We set up a voting page, where supporters would choose one of three candidates (only two are shown in the snippet). By clicking the checkbox, the supporter would add themselves to a Salsa group. This way only one vote for a candidate by a supporter w...
0 759 posted 14 years ago by powerthru
this is a way to deal with the fact that we can\'t reliably make checkboxes look larger on forms. So instead, we surround the form with a colored div, and set it up so that when the user clicks on the label next to the checkbox it checks the box.
0 867 posted 14 years ago by powerthru
Expects all files to be in the current directory; does not recurse into subdirectories. Replace "TEXTTOREMOVE" with the text you wish to remove from the filename. Replace *.csv with a search term appropriate for your situation.
0 1102 posted 14 years ago by powerthru
Execute on the command line. Assumes all files are in the current directory; does not recurse into subdirectories. Replace "*.html" with correct search term for your situation; replace "FS-" with the leading text you wish to remove. This example remo...
0 945 posted 14 years ago by powerthru
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