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This method draws a specified string to a Bitmap with the desired text width and text size.
0 1505 posted 10 years ago by cbruegg
2 option for onIconSelect
0 947 posted 10 years ago by uthopiko
This technical tip shows how .NET developers can export Microsoft Visio diagram to XML inside their own applications using Aspose.Diagram for .NET. Aspose.Diagram for .NET lets you export diagrams to a variety of formats: image formats, HTML, SVG, SW...
0 1687 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
This technical tip shows how each TIFF frame can be converted to JPEG and then these images to PDF file using Aspose.Pdf for Java. Aspose.Pdf for Java is very well capable of dealing with TIFF images and can easily transform them into PDF format. How...
0 1616 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
Surprisingly often I want to print all the values of some object for debugging reasons, and if the object has a lot of different get methods (and toString is not good for this), it is a pain to write all the print commands. That's when this snippet i...
0 1086 posted 10 years ago by mcaordie
before and after resourcing the label are shown
0 639 posted 11 years ago by davidjmcclelland
Stores country name code and capital in an array and returns it. (not completed)
0 800 posted 11 years ago by bluesh34
Wrapper over JPA query that avoid flush
0 911 posted 11 years ago by pachaman
Externalizable interface provides you an alternate to Serializable interface. In Externalizable, you specify how/what to persist. Seralizable persists all non-transient elements using default serialize/deserialize implementation.
0 938 posted 11 years ago by rnavanee
This java code, when executed, throws OOM error. Java Console: ... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ... Heapdump Data: ... 1STHEAPFREE Bytes of Heap Space Free: 0 1STHEAPALLOC Bytes of Heap Space Allocated: 666...
0 986 posted 11 years ago by rnavanee
Determine the minimum number of coins for change Given any number between 1 and 99, determine how to give change with the minimum number of coins. You can assume that the coins are 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c.
1 913 posted 11 years ago by rnavanee
Calculate The Second Highest Frequency Write a method that accepts a String and returns the character with the second highest frequency. For example "aabbbc" would return 'a'. If the string contains spaces, they can be disregarded from the count.
1 871 posted 11 years ago by rnavanee
Change the generic class to whatever class you wish. JSON arrays, types etc, are not handled, you should do that. Purpose of this snippet is to deserialize only needed JSON keys with respect to the class members of your class.
0 1310 posted 11 years ago by mindinmotionmkd
Uploading a binary file(like .doc) to Dropbox. I tried with .ics and it worked.
0 937 posted 11 years ago by RobinD
Iterating through a Dropbox Folder
0 841 posted 11 years ago by RobinD
Create a List<String> for a specified number strings with a specified max characters (randomized...1-max). This method uses another snippet which contains initCharacterList(int, int) http://snipplr.com/view/71355/fill-character-list-from-ascii-table-...
0 1079 posted 11 years ago by borysn
FIll a List<Character> with ASCII (0-127) characters with a given number of characters.
0 841 posted 11 years ago by borysn
Generic method for printing a list to the console based on the number of characters per line.
0 820 posted 11 years ago by borysn
A simple http server, from java JDK.
0 897 posted 11 years ago by alexedy
From Java Concurrency in practice
0 818 posted 11 years ago by fahrenx
A random number generator using a for-loop.
0 827 posted 11 years ago by karellism
Create Thumbnail of an image in Java
0 882 posted 11 years ago by roizaig
Java Fast File Copy using NIO
0 913 posted 11 years ago by roizaig
Connecting to Oracle using Java JDBC
0 682 posted 11 years ago by roizaig
This sample code shows you how to screen an order to prevent fraud and chargebacks.
0 707 posted 11 years ago by Hexahow
Iterating through cursor
0 948 posted 11 years ago by noloman
don't forget to add jfxrt.jar to class path
0 887 posted 11 years ago by alexedy
The function that closes window is very useful when you use a pop-up window on your page, because it allows the visitor to easily close the window. You can also do it several ways: to use a button, a text link or make the window closes automatically...
1 946 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
How to convert a drawable to a bitmap
0 907 posted 11 years ago by noloman
Shake event listener
0 979 posted 11 years ago by noloman